Last chapter...

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So guys... This will be the last chapter... I know I know But don't hate me, there's book 2 coming out soon. Okay? I love you guys. I wouldn't just Leave it off and not make a book 2 like who does that??? Not me. Lmao. <3


I felt like I shouldn't have left now... I miss him too much... I feel like I have no meaning anymore. My Precious narwhal isn't mine anymore.. My sweet, little Baby... The harsh words echoed over and over in my head. driving me almost insane.

'Pull yourself together Max! You got this...' I though to myself as I brought my knees to my chest and sobbed.

I couldn't stand it. Not anymore. I can't be here... All these thoughts ran through my head, I couldn't do anything about it. I felt weak... And I hated it. I'm sounding like a little bitch.

Ross POV

The flashbacks hit me hard. I sat and cried. My nose was stuffy and I couldn't breathe. Everything went black as I fell asleep...


"Ross..." I mumbled under my breath as I pulled my covers over me.

Next day~~

The day wasn't the same, I was used to Ross coming and hugging me. The kisses and love. His voice... His eyes... His hair... His smell... His sweet face... Everything. I missed him so much! I couldn't function.

"Max let's record." Adam said as he tapped my shoulder.

"Sure" I got to my recording room and out on my headphones. After I adjusted my mic I opened up Minecraft and got onto the server. I saw Ross and my heart sank. I didn't want to record anymore. "I don't want to play anymore."
"Max what the hell?" Adam said form team speak.
"I'm not fucking playing this!" I threw my headphones on the desk and stormed to my station 'Fuck this....' I thought as I put my head on the keyboard, sighing as I do so.

I couldn't take it anymore.

Ross! Come here!" I yelled after the recording. A shy Ross cautiously walked toward me. "Relax, I'm not doing anything. Come here."
"Why don't you like me anymore?" I pulled his face closer to me.
"B-because you cheated on me." There. I remembered. I felt bad. I lifted my sweater sleeve and showed my scars that I cut a few weeks ago. "M-Max.... Why?"
"Why? Because I loved you and I made that choice and. Now I regret it. I'm sorry..." He pulled me in for a hug and kisses my forehead. My cheeks heated up.
"Max I miss you..."
"I love you Narwhal....." I cried. I finally had my baby back. My handsome narwhal. His sweet lips and comfortable hugs were mine again.
"I love you too.... Maxy." He smiled. I let out a small chuckle and kissed his lips.
"Never leave me like that again..." I said lowly, a tear falling down my cheek as I hugged him tighter.
"I won't..." He snuggled closer into my neck and I cradle him. My Little Narwhal is finally back in my arms.......... I missed him a lot.... I love him with all my Heart.... I kissed his forehead and rested my head on top of his. We sat in that position for about 20 minutes before Adam came back to Record.

"I love you, Max." Ross said before falling asleep.
"I love you too, Narwhal..." I held his waist close to me as we slept in my bed together. Ross' soft snores filled the room as I slowly drifted off to sleep...

This was a fun ride of emotions guys! Book 2 will come out on May 1st the same day Max is launching content on his channel. So yeah, I'll miss you guys!! Time for my week off... What am I going to do... Lmao stay tuned for book 2! Follow me for the notifications! <3 :) :P :D this was fun....!! Haha

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