The Kiss

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Ross POV

I didn't stop. I didn't listen. "Max.." I walked to his room
But then remembered the mess I had created. "I'm sorry.." I mumbled.  I started cleaning off the cheese from the floor and picked up the macaroni off the now yellow stained carpet.

I closed my door so KP wouldn't come lick the remaining cheese as I left to get more towels.

11:00 time skip~ (11:00 pm)

I could hear max sleeping so I decided to sleep too. Tomorrow will be the day...

Time skip to the next morning~

I woke up to KP snuggling on my face while I got up. I got dressed as I looked at the time. 9:00. Not too bad today. We got all the videos done from my channel and I have one scheduled with Adam and Barney later today at 12. I am lounge for a bit.

I walked out to the kitchen. Max was sitting with his arms crossed as he slouched into the couch.

"Max." I started.

"Fuck off." He said angrily.

"Sorry jeez." I walked past him and made my way to Tim.

"Ross you must've done something bad, he's mad.. Like Mad max." He joked.

"Not funny, he might be upset. I spilled his max and cheese last night on accident. " I said quietly to Tim.

"Explains a lot. He loves his Mac and cheese. Almost as much as he loves... You, Ross." His words hit me.

"He loves me?" I asked in confusion.
"I mean, doesn't he love us all..." I laughed nervously.

"No. He LOVES you."

"Tim quiet it down a little won't you? He might hear."

"What are you two laughing about any way?" He looked back at us. "D*ckheads..." He mumbled under his breath. 

"What was that?" Tim said running towards max.

"I said you two are D*ckHeads!" Max stood up firmly.

I grabbed a corns of from the freezer and warmed it up for max. I wasn't sure if he had eaten.

"Ross. C'mere." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Just come here before I change my damn mind" he started getting angry.

"You could say your a mad-"

"Shut up tim. Ross hurry up!"

"Wait jeez I'm getting something for you." The microwave beeped and I got the corndog out and walked to max.

"What's that."

"A corndog for you. I wasn't sure if you ate yet so yeah." I hated it to him and he put it on an empty plate.

"Thanks..." He looked at me with a red face.

"Is it hot in here?" I asked jokingly.

"Ross...." He grabbed my chin and brought it up to his. My face reddened.

"M-max.... What-" my words were muted when his soft lips touched mine.

He pulled back. "Ross... I love you. But... I'm scared. What if..." He started.

"Max. It's okay, most fans came up with the 'Mithross' they'll accept us." I reassured him.

"Right..." He said as he put his hand on my burning cheeks. "Let's go to work. It's 11:00. With traffic it'll take an hour so lets go."

Tim just stood there. Totally blown away.
"Wow." He said finally. "MITHROSS IS A THING NOW!!" He cheered.

"Don't push it Tim." Max said as he grabbed the keys and threw them to Tim.

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