Telling the Fans

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I was a nervous wreck, Adam thought of the Bright idea to finally tell the Fans about Ross and I. I watched from my station as I saw Ross pace around his studio with the door closed. He saw me look at him and motioned for my to go inside.

I walked inside the office and Ross immediately looked into my soul. "Uh. Ross? Something wrong?"

"WHAT IF THEY DONT LIKE US ANYMORE?!" He shook my shoulders violently.

"R-Ross it's o-okay" I barely managed to talk, he was pressing my shoulders too hard. "ROSS STOP THAT HURTS" I shook him off. I heard snickering from outside and opened the door. "Shut up." I said as I closed it again.

~Time skip~

It was time to record the video on SkyDoesThings.

"A-Adam... We have to do this.. Now?" I nervously looked at him.

"Yes. Get in your spots. Okay... 3. 2. 1. *long pause* Hey guys sky here, and today we are doing a different kind of video... Ross? Max?" Adam stepped out of the camera frame and off to the side.

"H-hey Guys, M-Max here and today Ross and I have something to say."I stuttered. My cheeks turned red from embarrassment.

"Max and I are together! Who supports #Mithross?" Ross jumped from his seat not sounding nervous at all.

"Yeah. You heard that right. Ross and I are together. As a couple." I reassured as I sat down.

Ross came and sat next to me and grabbed my hand. "It's okay to be nervous." Ross whispered into my ear. But he had the Mic on his shirt so everyone heard it.

"Bye!!" Adam ran back into the frame and jumped before doing jazz hands. The camera shut off.

2hours later~

I was looking through Twitter and looked at some comments on my recent Post: "Hey guys, what do you think about Mithross?" There were so many comments. I went through the first 10. One caught my eye, and i wish I didn't see it.

"Max you Cunt. I can't believe your gay, you don't look like that. But what ever. They say not to judge a book by its cover. I thought you were awesome. Totally Unsubscribing and Unfollowing! You disgust me." Hot tears welled up in my eyes. But as I scrolled through more I felt better. The next 20 comments after that one were people fighting back at him.

I looked at my computer screen and I had to edit Barney's video with Red as "Apple". God that recording... I quickly watched through it and edited the parts where Red broke out of his voice to clear his throat.

30 minutes later~

That video took longer than expected... I walked to Adam's studio and saw him looking through some pictures.

"Hey Adam." I was running the back of my neck waiting for a reply.

"Yeah Max?" He looked up at me, turning his chair around to face me. "That guy in Twitter was harsh."

"Yeah, I know, it's okay. Everyone else helped me out. They really support Mithross."

"Yeah. Let's schedule some videos for later days with just you two."

"Really? You sure?"

"Yeah. And in May, the project will start."

"Right." I walked out of his office and went back to my station. Adam sent me the "Do Not Laugh" episode. 'When did he do that?'

Time skip~

I was browsing through Twitter when it finally came to me, I haven't seen Ross since the video. He kind off just went to his office and locked the door.

*knock knock* I was at his office. Trying to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. I looked through the window, he was sitting at his desk, on his phone. Was he texting someone?

"Ross!" I yelled through the door.

Ross POV

"Ross!" I heard Max's muffled voice from beyond the door. I can't talk to him. Not after what my parents said.

Cliff hanger.... Wee woo...

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