Tima apart (pt 2)

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Max POV.

I had to leave for Louisiana soon. It's been a. Few weeks and I'm leaving Tomorrow.

"Ross. I'm leaving tomorrow." I say as I walk into his office.

"I know... I'll miss you."

"Ross don't hug me. You'll only make we want to stay." I said stepping back.

"Oh okay..." He sits back down and goes back to playing he computer.

"Adam!" I yell as I step towards his office.

"Yeah?" He replies soon after. I open his office door and he turns to face me.

"So I'm leaving tomorrow." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"Yeah, we got Tim to start on your work for now. So you can go home and Ross can go too. Say your good byes." Adam said closing the door as I walked out.

"Ross let's go home." I said grabbing my keys.

"What? It's only 1:30?" He said getting up to shut off his set up.

"Adam said we can leave." I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him outside to my car. We went home and took a nap. 

"Ahh..." Ross got up and walked over to me. "As you up now?" He whined.

"I am now. What do you want." I said, my voice still groggy.

"Let's hang out before you wave tomorrow. Please."

"Okay... Where do you want to go?"

"Let's go to..... Olive Garden?" He asked.

"Sure. Get in the car." I told him and we left.

Time skip to after dinner~

"That was fun." Ross said leaping out of the car.

"Yeah. Let's go to sleep." I unlocked the door and we went inside.

"Good night." I said going to my room.

"Good night Max" He said, and we parted ways to our rooms.

The next morning~

Ross POV

I woke up and went out to the living room. Max was sitting on the couch watching tv with KP.

"Hey." He said and gestured me to sit with him.

"Good morning!" Tim said from the kitchen. He was cooking bacon and eggs, the usual.

"Morning Tim!" I yelled waiting next to Max. He gave me a quick peck and continued watching tv.

"Don't you guys have editing and recording to do?" Tim asked as he put the plates down in front of us.

"We have pre-recorded and pre-edited videos just in case we are sick or something" max replied reaching for his plate. "Oh and I'm leaving at 12." Max looked at his phone to check the time.

"It's 10:49." I checked.

"About an hour then? Let's go call the guys out to say goodbye." Tim put away his plate in the dish washer.


"You only have 30 minutes left..." I said sadly. I kissed him goodbye as we got in Adams car to drive max to the airport.

When we got there I was already crying.

"Max... I'll miss you!" I whimpered. I pulled him into a hug and I cried on his shoulder.

"Ross. It's okay, I'll be back soon. It's okay one week." He hugged me back and kissed me before he left.

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