It is over?

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Ross POV

He left Monday, it's now Saturday. He should be coming home today right. I couldn't sleep. I thought about his ex that was back in Louisiana. He probably lied to me to make me feel better. I don't know what to do right now. It was 8:30 am. Max usually came to say good morning and hug me at this time.   But he didn't. Because he wasn't here. I decided to get more sleep.

I woke up to my phone ringing. It was Adam.

"Ross, it's 11:30 we need to start recording before 12."

"Oh okay." I got up to change and then left with Tim to the offices.

After recording~

*ring ring*

My phone rang and I read the contact. Max. I answered it instantly.

"Hey Max!" I said excitedly.

"Hey.... Ross...." He sounded sad or something.

"Something wrong max? You sound upset or something"

"Well.... You see.... My uh. Mom wants me to uh... Stay for a few months. Maybe a year..."

"What? Tell her you can't you have work to do! And you have to come see me." I told him. Frantically looking around for some reason.

"Yeah.. Bye." And he hung up.

"Max....." I whispered to myself.


I can't believe I lied to him. My ex wanted me back. I couldn't say no. I had to keep it low so my parented think I'm still straight. But she was also really hot now. I'm sorry Ross...

After I hung up she came to me and hugged me then kissed me.

"Stop. I don't need you right now." I said pushing her away.

"Yes you do." And she ran her hand through my hair.  She was known for being so flirty.

"No. Stop. I'm leaving." I walked to the door and stopped at the handle. "And... We're done." I stepped out and called for a cab. I soon got to the airport and left Louisiana to go back to my Ross.

After the plane ride~~~

I called Adam to have him pick me up. It was a 30 minute drive to the airport so I knew it would take a while. I called them went to grab some food before they came.

"Adam." I said.

"Yeah max? Are you back?"

"Yeah. Can you corn pick me up from the McDonald's next to the airport?"

"Sure, be there in 30."


And we hung up.

30 mins later~~

Adam and Ross pulled up to the McDonald's parking lot.

"Max!" Ross yelled as he ran to me.

"Hey." I said coldly. I stood with me back leaned up against the glass in the window.

"Max....?" Ross slowed down. And looked at me when he got there. Looking sad.

"Sorry." I finally said.


" I lied to you."

"About what?"

"My mom telling me to stay."


"My ex got hot and I guess we got back together-"

"What?! I can't believe you." He looked at me heart broken.

"Ross I'm sor-"  he went to Adam and closed the door.

"Max what the hell?" Adam said approaching me.

"What? He didn't let me finish."

"Why did you tell him that? Could you just rephrase it for him? He loves you and you go and say that you got back with your ex while he trusted you to go back."


"Let's go."


Ross was sitting in the front. Arms crossed and tears flying down his face. I got in the back and we drove back to the offices.

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