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The next thing I know my vision is blurred by smoke and dust, and it hits me. We crashed. I start to cough, hearing other people walk around in the rubble surrounding me. The last thing I remembered was sitting next to Elliot. Elliot.

"Elliot? El are you okay?" I yell, almost screaming for him. All I wanted was to be held by him and be told that everything was going to be okay.  I feel around myself for any sign of him and my hand gets cut on something sharp that was laying beside me.

"Shit..." I say quietly to myself as I try to apply pressure to my hand with my pants. I just hold my hand against my leg and stand up, scanning the scene for Elliot. He could be dead. You could just be searching for a dead man. Your partner, your life could be gone. No, don't  think like that Olivia, you can't. Not for yourself, and certainly not for him. I walk past dozens of people that were cut, bruised, and just as disoriented as I was. I stumble over what was someone's luggage and looked around. We must've crashed near Chicago because I could see the restaurant we were going to attend in the distance. Stay focused Olivia, you need to find Elliot. I start to walk around searching for any sign of him.

"Elliot? Can you hear me? Elliot Stabler?" I shout as loud as I can to my dulled surroundings. Silence. Maybe he was trying to help people up by the front of the plane? Or try and contact the pilots and radio over that our plane crashed?   I make my way up to the front of the plane only tripping over debris twice.

"Elliot? Elliot, are you there?" I say louder at first but my voice gets weaker thinking about the inevitable. I just lean against the shattered plane, holding my legs against me, and place my head on my knees closing my eyes as a tear falls down my cheek. I guess this is it, this is how it ends. But suddenly I feel a hand push a strand of my hair behind my cheek, and I instantly know its him. It has always been like that between us. We never had to speak words to know how the other felt. I slowly lift my head up and I am met with those blue eyes that just melt my heart every single time.

"El..." I say softly as I slowly stand up and crash my lips onto yours with everything left inside me. I guess this just came natural to me after so many years of wanting to. You break the kiss as oxygen becomes essential and just look at me. We could have stared at each other for hours.

"I'm just so glad your okay, that your alive." He finally says to me, scanning my body for any injuries.

"You stole the words right out of my mouth." I respond with a big smile plastered on my face.

He scans my bodies for any injuries and stumbles across my somewhat bandaged up hand. He extends his hand and lightly brings it up to his view, and I flinch a little at his touch because the pain is throbbing in my hand.

"Ouch." I wince in pain, trying to cover up my discomfort as quietly as possible.

He examines my hand and softly presses down on different parts of my hand. "I think you just fractured a couple of fingers." He replies looking back up at me, gently placing my hand back down to my side.

"Since when did you become Dr. Stabler?" I ask giggling a little.

"Well I've picked up a couple things from working this job and talking with Melinda about victims and cases we've had." Elliot says back.

"We should probably try to find some help and see if the others are okay." I say walking in front of him towards the other survivors of this plane crash.

"Always trying to help everybody but yourself, you never stop working do you Olivia Benson." He says almost under his breath, but the words make their way to my ears. I just simply disregard his comment knowing that he was right, but I was born to help others.

A/N: How did you guys like this chapter? I think that I am loving this fan fic the more I write it, and I am also trying to lengthen the chapters as I go along as well. Do any of you guys have a preference for how long these chapters are? Anyways, I hope you all are enjoying this story as much as I am. Have a great day -Eileen <3

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