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As soon as I saw the doctor's face, I shut my eyes as tight as I could, somehow hoping that this was all some silly dream that I would wake up from. But when I opened my eyes, Dr. Goodman was still standing in front of me, Elliot had taken my hand into his and squeezed it tightly.

"Uh, could you-uh give us a moment Doctor?" I ask, almost unable to choke the words out of my mouth. Just being in the same room that I was, that night, make chills burst throughout my skin.

"Sure. I'll be right back in a couple of minutes. Take all the time that you need." He said to us, before shutting the door quietly behind him.

I start to slowly twitch and shake, the images of Brain that night and the last time I was in this same room flooding my mind. The white walls. The sterile smell in the air. The paper gowns that filled the closets. All of them just reminders of what happened that night. What I let happen that night.

"Liv? Olivia? Are you alright? What's wrong?" Elliot asks me, putting both of his hands on my shoulders.

I look up at him, almost unable to keep eye contact. His eyes just kept looking back into mine, looking for the answer that he was normally able to get from me, but not this time.

I can't think of what to say, and the silence in the room is almost about to suffocate me. So I say the only thing that has been on my mind for the past month.

"I'm sorry." I murmur, barely above a whisper. My eyes now filling with the salty tears and the lump in my throat became bigger. Something that has been so familiar and embedded in my daily routine for the past couple of weeks.

"What do you mean you're sorry Liv? You don't have anything to apologize for." He says, the concern thick in his voice. His deep, blue eyes looking into mine and finally getting the answer he was looking for. It didn't take him long to realize why I had been so distant the past month.

He waits for me to speak, needing verbal confirmation that what he believed was truly what had happened. He had heard it from the countless other women and children he that had walked through the walls of the station for years. And so had she, but for some reason it didn't make it any easier.

"Elliot. I need to talk to you about something before you find out from someone else." I say softly, holding his hand and staring in his ocean blue eyes. A tear falls from them, but I wipe it away quickly.

"Whatever it is, I'll be with you 100% of the way Liv, I promise." He says, squeezing my hand and giving me his undivided attention.

"So, do you remember the fight I had with Brian? And how I couldn't remembered what had happened that night?" I choke out, the lump in my throat becoming more apparent.

He stares into my eyes as I start, my dark hazel orbs full of emotion.

"Yes, I remember? What happened that night? What did he do to you? I swear to god, if he hurt you Olivia, I'll kill the bastard." Elliot says, gritting his teeth and pacing back and forth in the small hospital room. The unthinkable swarming his thoughts. He notices me, sitting on the hospital bed, still silent.

"I'm sorry Liv. Just the thought that he might've done something to you drives me crazy. I-its just you and this job are about the only things I have left." He whispers, taking my hand and kissing the palm of it.

"I know Elliot. But, that night when we went out to get drinks with the squad, I just had so much to drink- I know I shouldn't of but that case. Those poor girls. I just needed to forget about it, all of it. Its still all so blurry, but all I could remember was waking up sore, and next to Brian." I whisper, tears now flooding down my face.

Elliot holds me close, not saying a word, just fully embracing me. The dark blue fabric of his shirt being stained by the countless tears falling from my face.

"Olivia, you are the most fearless and strong woman I know. We are going to get through this, together. I promise." The words leave his lips, and so do a couple more tears from my bloodshot eyes.

I nod my head slowly, and look up at Elliot. The man that has stood by me for the last ten years, and continues to be my rock.

"Thank you El." I say softly, letting my lips press against his, the connection between us so strong.

He lifts my chin up, before giving me another peck on the lips, and grabs something from his back pocket.

"I want you to have this." He says before putting something around my neck.

I look at it, the shiny gold glistening under my fingertips.

"Elliot, are you sure?" I ask, looking down at his old military badge.

In small print, the words "Semper Fi" are engraved.

"Yes Liv, this way, I will always be with you. No matter what."

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this book! It's almost bittersweet finishing this book, but it has been such a joy to write. If you guys still want to read other things from me, I also have a book currently called Lost, where Olivia has found out that Elliot has been looking through her file. Anyways, love you all!

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