just a memory

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(One year later)
It's almost six thirty when I hear my alarm blaring at me for what feels like the thousandth time. I take a deep breath and finally decide to get out of bed, and I stumble making my way to the bathroom. I almost bump into the door when I reach to open it, because it's locked. I don't remember locking this last night. I think to myself as I try to open the door, when the nob turns in my hand, and what I was faced with was beyond surprising.

Brian Cassidy.

"Hey Liv." Brian says softly to me before bending down and kissing me, still dressed in only a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Uh, hey Brian." I say a little hesitant, thoughts racing through my mind as to how he ended up at my place, knowing Elliot would be pissed if he thought we had somehow rekindled our past romance. Brian just walks past me and I walk into the bathroom and shut the door behind me, taking a deep breath as I start the hot shower. Once I finish my shower, I make my way to my closet and quickly get dressed for work. Luckily, Brian no longer worked at the 16th precinct and now at a law firm across the street.

As I slip on my necklace, my phone rings. "Benson." I say quietly, still not fully awake yet. "Yes, okay I will be right there. Uh okay, bye." I put my phone in my pocket and quickly grab my things as I rush through the living room. As I walk in, Brian is watching some TV and smiles at me. I give him a quick smile back, and grab my keys.

"Duty calls." I say walking past him when I feel him grab my hand. I almost freeze up and all I can do is look at him.

"Here, thought you would need this." He says handing me a warm tea.

"Thanks." I say taking a big sip from it, hoping it would wake me up so I could remember what happened last night. I start to turn to walk out but stop. "Brian, whatever happened last night between us, it's not going to happen again. I just need to figure out my feelings but I know for certain that I just don't have them for you anymore." I say breathing out, relieved that I finally got that off of my chest. Brian just stands there with a blank look on his face, and finally opens his mouth.

"Is it Elliot?" He asks me, looking a little irritated and on edge.

I just nod in hopes that he would understand as I walk out the door, quickly going down the stairs towards my car. Once I arrive at my car, I slip in placing the tea in the cup holder and putting the key in the ignition ready to face what the day would bring.

A/N~ Hey guys! I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been really busy with school. It feels really good writing again, and I really hope you guys enjoy this update!

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