the drive

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Closing the car door, I am met with this unforgiving silence. I just can't figure out how Brian got there, let alone what actually happened last night. The last thing I remembered was going out with the squad for drinks at around eleven. I definitely had too much to drink, but the recent case was emotionally draining for all of us and I just wanted to forget about it.

I just feel different, and I have a feeling that something happened between Brian and I last night. Something I didn't want. Something that shouldn't have happened. I can just figure this out later, I just need to focus on my job for now.

I finally pull into the precinct parking lot and take a deep breath before opening my car door and stepping out with my tea. As I walk through the doors, the air is particularly cold sending goosebumps throughout my skin and I make my way to my desk. Sitting down, I set my tea and keys on my desk and open up the new case file that had been presented in front of me. I start to flip through the pages and take a sip of my tea, glancing up at Elliot. Ever since the plane crash, our relationship seemed to be stronger then ever before, and I liked that. We could read each other again, and even share a few jokes. It just felt good to finally have a stable partnership with him.

"Morning El," I say quietly and flash a quick smile  at him as I get situated at my desk, making sure everything was in its place. Elliot smiles back at me and I can tell that he's been here for a while now because his coffee is almost empty.

"What are we working with here?" I ask flipping through the pages of the file.

"We've got a serial rapist that leaves his mark on his victims once he is finished." He says to me, showing me the pictures of the last three victims and the star marking on their hands.

"So he leaves his mark once he is done, do we know when or where he might strike next?" I ask flipping through the information given to me about the locations of the rapes.

"That's exactly what we're trying to figure out." He replies, looking into my eyes and picking up that something is a little off. "Are you okay?" He asks me, searching my face for some kind of answer.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say giving him the same response that I always do when things are anything but fine. But I guess that was for me to figure out on my own time.

A/N: Hey! I hope you all enjoyed this update, because I certainly did. Sorry it took a little longer than expected, I just wanted to really figure out where I wanted this story to go. See you all in the next update, ~ Eileen 💕

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