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Woo 50 reads!! Thank you guys so much!

Mark's POV

I went to my bedroom and got changed. I sat down on my bed, thinking about Jack: his sky blue eyes, the way they seem to look into you, that you could get lost in them; his green hair, to match his YouTube channel, how soft it was. All tiny, little details that I loved about him. I thought of him as I fell asleep.

Dark's POV

Mark had told me he was going to bed. I said I'd keep an eye on the two Jacks so they didn't hurt themselves by accident. I suddenly had an idea that would get Mark and Jack talking more about their feelings for each other. I went over to Jack, dark swirls of mist coming from my hands. Once I was done with Jack, I went to Mark's room and saw Mark asleep. I did the same to him and went back to the living room. What I did put their minds on exactly the same wavelength. They would share a dream.

I transformed into my smoke form, and I floated up to the support beams in the ceiling of the room. Once I came level to one of them, I turned back into my human form and rested on the beam.

I looked down upon the sleeping figures, admiring them. I smiled, surprisingly without difficulty, and took out my phone to listen to music. I stayed up for the rest of the night, as technically I don't need to sleep, and I felt genuinely happy for the first time. I guess Anti-Jack and normal Jack were bringing out the good in me

Mark's POV

I knew I was asleep, but somehow, I was in a play park somewhere. On one of the swings sat a confused-looking Jack. I went over to him, and sat on the swing beside him. Jack looked up at me.
"I thought I was just asleep on the couch?" He said, to himself.
We both looked up at the sky as a plane flew past. Behind it trailed a banner saying 'I put you two in a dream together. -Darkiplier'

I looked over at Jack; he was still looking at the sky in confusion.
"I guess we're stuck here until we wake up. " I stated.
"Yeah. I guess so. Do you wanna talk or...?"
"We should probably talk, yeah. "
"What do you want to talk about?" Jack asked
"Could we maybe talk about us? And y'know our feelings and stuff. We've not really talked about it much. "
"Yeah. I'll start." Jack said," I've liked you for a while now. Ever since we started recording together, I knew that I liked you. I'm Bi(sexual) by the way. Then, from there, the feeling got more....romantic? I realised I liked you more than a friend."

After a few moments, I spoke," Oh, I'm Bi(sexual) too. I realised I like you more than a friend ,probably a few months after we started recording together. It was kinda hard to tell if I liked you, at first, but the more we started talking, the more I fell for you.  I fell in love with you and I was so worried you'd be weirded out if I told you. "

"I'm in love with you, too, Mark. I really don't want it to be weird between us." Jack said, his voiced filled with emotion.
" I don't want it to be awkward or weird either. So, what does this make us then? Boyfriends?" I asked nervously.
" I don't know. I guess we'll see. "

We held hands as we swung lightly on our swings. The air became misty with a dark blue fog and the dream ended.

Dark's POV

It was about 10 am when they started to stir. As both Jacks began to wake, I floated to the kitchen, got some water and headache pills. I wondered how things went on in their dream as I walked back to the lounge. I set the things down on the coffee table, and went to Mark's room to wake him up and talk to him. As I walked in and instantly noticed something. Mark was gone.

The room was messy, indicating a struggle, and the window was open. There was a smashed lampshade, the things from the bedside table were all over the floor. I noticed a piece of paper, tacked to the wall. It read:

We've took Mark. We know about Darkiplier and AntiSepticEye. If you want him back, you have to give them both to us. Make a decision by midnight. Meet us at warehouse 13 by the dock at midnight or we kill Mark.

I ran, panicked, back to the living room to fully wake both Jacks. Once they had both sat up and took their pills, I explained what I had found. They both looked shocked, and Jack looked ill. He was a very pale green and he was staring at the floor with tears in his eyes. I suddenly wished that I hadn't given them that dream last night.

Mark's POV

As I woke up, I felt two sets of hands grab me. I struggled, trying to get free, knocking things over in the process. I felt a sharp pain in my neck, a needle probably, and they put a blindfold over my eyes. I felt my muscles become heavy and unresponsive. They must have given me a paralytic (something that paralyses someone).

I heard them open a window, and suddenly, I was being dragged. I felt a pain in my side, after being shoved out the window- luckily, I was only on the ground floor. I knocked my head on rocks as they dragged me across the ground. I was lifted up and put into a car boot.
As the car began to drive, I felt a strong longing for Jack, and his sky blue eyes.

I'm sorry if it was confusing to keep switching between POVs but I felt it told the story better. Again, thanks you so much for 50 reads :)

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