Finding Mark

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Wooo 80(ish)!!! Thank you so much!  Sorry about not writing for a while. I've had school (kinda) and stuff but you guys probably don't care about apologies so here the story.

Anti-Jack's POV

I was shaken up about Mark. Why would anyone want to hurt him? Jack looked positively ill. I knew why; Jack loved, no, loves Mark. If it was Dark that was gone, I would be in the same position. I smiled at the thought of Dark, then my mind snapped back to Mark.

Dark talked, laying out a plan. I agreed, nodding. However 'evil' Dark was, he sure was good at plans. We gathered the things we needed, and while we waited (so we could be sure that the kidnappers were at their said point ). I beckoned Dark into the kitchen.
He walked behind me, got a glass of water, and went back out to give it to Jack. He came back in, and got himself and me one.

"How's he handling things?" Dark asked me, as I could sense his feelings.
"Not too well. He's kind of denying that Mark isn't just in the other room. At the same time, though, he just wants to break down. We need to get Mark back."
"Yeah, I know. I can't sense what Mark is feeling very well. I can feel that he feels confused and disoriented."
"Jack loves Mark. He has ever since they started doing videos together. What about Mark? Does he feel the same?" I asked curiously.
"Mark slowly started to love Jack. It wasn't instant."
"What about you? Do you like me?"
"Yeah,"Dark said, shyly, in his deep American accent," I do. When you materialised next to Jack, I saw you and fell hard. I was always so lonely when in my non-physical state. Somehow, I could sense that someone else, someone known, had a physical dark side. I always wanted to meet them. Now I have."

I was shocked at the amount of feeling in Dark's voice. I loved him; he loved me too. I almost wasn't aware that I was moving towards him, but I noticed and continued forwards anyway. I put my arms round his waist, pulling him towards me. He looked into my eyes; I looked back into his. I could see the raw emotion in them. His arms were round my neck, and we simultaneously moved our heads closer together.

My lips met his, and we moved against each other. Our kiss was slow, patient, as though we both wanted it to last- which we did. My arms slid down to the hem of Dark's shirt. I slid my hands underneath, feeling his muscular back. His hand were entangled in my hair, slightly pushing my head towards his more. When we finally drew back, our foreheads resting together, we looked into each others eyes once more. Dark was the first to speak:
"Wow. That was..."
"Great?" I teased.
"Yeah." He said breathlessly.

Suddenly, the situation rushed into my stream of thought. My mood darkened. Dark must have either been on the same thought as me, or he had sensed my mood shift. We walked, swiftly, back into the lounge. Jack looked up and, surprisingly, grinned at me. What had just happened must have been painted all over my face. My face reddened, but I quickly hid it. I suggested that we should probably get going.

We got there at 11 pm, earlier than we'd planned. Dark and me changed into smoke to look around, leaving Jack with a crossbow, a pistol and a knife to protect himself if, and only if, someone was going to hurt him.

We scouted the area, floating in and out of warehouses, hoping to find one that had Mark and his kidnappers in. We finally did find one, but it only had a woman with striking teal hair in.

I went back to tell jack to go in, and went to the warehouse. Once inside, perched in the support beams of the building, I became corporeal again, and watched as jack walked in. He walked slowly towards the woman, his hand on the pistol. He spoke:
"Where's Mark?" Jack demanded.
"I let him go. I was only doing this so my friend's voices in his head would stop. He told me it would help him, and I only wanted to help him. Once we got here, though, I realised he only wanted Dark and Anti-Jack. And to kill Mark. I realised how insane he was, so I distracted him and helped Mark escape."
"Where did he go?"
"I don't know. I saw him running into town, but I don't know."

Jack then said something shocking:
"Thank you. For letting him go. I'll leave you, but just some friendly advice. Get your friend to a doctor."

Jack left out the back door. Me and Dark followed him in our smoke forms. We saw he was running, following the road into the town. We floated down and transformed next to him. I told him to slow down, but he just kept running. Dark caught up to him and put his hands on Jack's shoulders to stop him. Jack stopped and looked at us. He said we should keep looking, to not stop moving. All of a sudden, a shopkeeper came out of a shop, running frantically towards us.

Jack instinctively pulled out the knife. The woman stopped suddenly, a few metres away.
"Are you Jack, Dark and Anti?"
"Yes, but how do you know who we are?" Jack questioned suspiciously.
"Mark is in the break room of the shop I work at. He came in looking panicked and out of breath. He told me what happened and that I should get you if I saw you. Can you put the knife down now?"

Jack lowered the knife, then followed the woman into the shop. She led us into the break room, where a sleeping Mark inhabited the sofa. Jack quickly gave me the knife and ran up to Mark, shaking him awake. When Mark woke, Jack brought him into his arms, hugging Mark as if they had been separated for months, rather than hours. Mark sat up and hugged Jack back. The woman, Dark and I went to the front of the shop, to give them some privacy.

Jack's POV

Dark and Anti went back out to the front of the shop. I helped Mark to get up from the sofa.
"I thought I was never going to see you again!" I exclaimed.
"I'll tell you what happened when we get back home. " Mark said, his eyes, though misty with sleep, full of compassion.
"I love you, Mark Edward Fischbach. And I never want to lose you."
" I love you too, Seán William McLoughlin." Mark said back, chuckling slightly.

Before I knew what was happening, Mark and I were leaning in towards each other. Our lips met, and we kissed hungrily. Our mouths crashed and all angles, and though it should have been awkward, it was just me of the best moment of my life. We drew away and walked, hand in hand, out of the room. Dark and Anti were chatting happily to the shopkeeper, thanking her for taking care of Mark. When they noticed us, they said goodbye to her. I noticed that Dark's arm was around Anti's waist, and I looked over at Mark. We both grinned, knowing that they were obviously dating too.

We transported back to the house (via the magic 'evil' powers of Dark and Anti) and we all went to bed. I went with Mark, to his room and Dark and Anti went to the spare room. As I snuggled closely to Mark in his bed,
I was happy. These few days had been a roller coaster of emotions. I reflected on today, on the dream Dark had gave us, and on the years I spent hiding my feelings for Mark. Now, I had my boyfriend, cuddled up to me, safe and sound.

Thanks again for 80 reads. I hope you enjoyed this part, it was fun to write. Please comment if I should leave it here and start a new story (possibly phan but I'm open to suggestions) or if I should continue this one. Also check out my friend's accounts (if you want). They are called Lottieissocoollike and Crystalpalace221B.

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