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Sorry about the gap of time. I was doing stuff and kinda lacking motivation for writing. Thank you guys so much for 60 reads!

Jack's POV

I woke up to the sound of Dark shouting, with Anti next to me on the sofa. I noticed two glasses of water and four paracetamol on the coffee table. I sat up, my head throbbing at the sudden movement, taking one of the glasses and two pills. I smiled at the memory of last nights 'dream'. Once Anti and I had had our headache pills, Dark explained that someone (or multiple people) had broken into Mark's room and taken him. I was shocked, so taken aback by the news that I was silent. I numbness filled me; I stared into my glass, feeling sick, a tear rolling down my face.

I felt a hand on my back, so I looked up and saw Anti looking back at me. He spoke
"We'll find him, Jack. I know we will." He turned to Dark, "Did they leave a note?"
"Yeah," Darkiplier stated, a slight wobble in his voice,"This. It was stuck on the wall above his bed. "
He showed us a piece of paper, the words made out of newspaper cuttings.

I read it, and instantly felt even more hate towards the people who took it. It offered a trade; Darkiplier and AntiSepticEye for Mark. I shook my head, telling them that we couldn't good that, that these people would experiment on them. The letter also said that we had to make a decision before midnight, or they'd kill him.

I fell silent. Anti-Jack spoke," What are we going to do? We can't let Mark die, but if they got us, they'd figure out how we exist, something no one should know. If they found that out, they'd bring out their own dark sides; which, depending on how evil their dark sides are, could be very bad for everyone."

"We need to come up with a plan to rescue Mark." Dark said," We could go to the place they said they'd meet us at half eleven, which would give us enough time to explore the place and figure out where Mark is being held, assuming they are telling the truth that he is there. Anti and I will then go, in our non-physical forms....."

Dark came up with most of the plan, as I was still feeling ill, and Anti wasn't the best at plans. I listened, agreeing internally with the plan.

Mark's POV

I guessed we'd arrived, as the car stopped. I heard the people getting out of the car, and talking outside. I was starting to be able to move again, so I leaned towards the sound. I heard them say that they would wait until half past twelve to give Jack and the 'dark ones' time to get here. 'Great!' I thought to myself, sarcastically ' I at least have thoughtful kidnappers.'

I quickly lay back down when I head the key scrape on the lock. I saw a slight light through the bag over my head, and then I was dragged out of the trunk (boot) of the car. The people hauled me along the ground, the cement scraping my hands and feet. We halted and I heard a screech (a door opening?) and I was being pulled again. I was positioned on a chair, and the bag was pulled off my head.

My eyes adjusted to the light level, and I saw that I was in a were house. I could hear seagulls, so I knew that we were near the sea or, more likely, the docks.

I looked at the people in front of me; a man and a woman. The man was taller than me, but he was pretty scrawny, with brown hair and boring, brown eyes. The woman was a small, slightly chubby woman with long, light blue/teal hair and bright green eyes. She had an apologetic look in her eyes, as if she didn't want to do this, but the man, holding a large knife, had a somewhat different look. His eyes were murderous and he looked at me with a mad glee. The people went outside the building, and talked, or more specifically argued, for hours. It was night by the time they came back in.

The man started towards me, knife in hand, but he was stopped by the woman.
"No, Rob! You can't!" She cried, looking at him with horror.
"Why, Jo? This was the plan any way. We bring him here and kill him!" The man, Rob, exclaimed, his shrill, mad voice painful in my ears.
"No! That wasn't the plan! We brought him here to lure Jack, AntiSepticEye, and Darkiplier here. We then get Anti and Dark, and let Mark and Jack go!" The woman, Jo (Short for Josephine?) said in reply. She shot me another apologetic look. "Why don't you go on lookout. Give me the knife and I'll keep Mark here, Rob."
"Fine." Rob said hesitantly," I'll go look."

I felt relieved when the knife was out of he hands of the, very clearly, mad man. Jo looked at me and told me to hold still. As she came towards me, I thought she was going to end my life, but instead, she went behind me and cut my ropes. I shook my hands to get my circulation back, and looked at her questioningly. She quietly told me there was a back door, and that she'd create a distraction. Before shoving me towards the door, she gave me a piece of paper. I put it in my pyjama pocket and ran.

As I opened the door and ran, I heard her call out to Rob. I looked back and saw her laying on the ground, looking like I attacked her. I figured out what she was doing and continued to sprint, unaware of the pain in my bare feet from running on the sharp ground. I ran and ran until I got to an open shop. I charged inside, earning strange looks from the cashier. It turned into a worried look as she saw my panicked expression.

I told her what had happened, and she led me into the break room. I lay down on the sofa and I described what Rob and Jo looked like. I also told her what Jack, Anti, and Dark looked like.  I told her not to let Rob or Jo in and if she saw Jack, Anti, or Dark, to get them. The kind cashier told me she would do as I asked. I fell asleep on their sofa and for that moment, relaxed a little.

Hope you liked it. 60 reads!!!! Thank you!!!! :)

Septiplier and Darkiplier x AntiSepticEyeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora