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This is the last part of this story. It's been so fun writing it (despite the massive gaps of time between writing each part). It has currently got over 400 views!! That is sooo amazing!! I'm so happy and grateful for everyone who has read it. Thank you guys so so much!

Anti-Jack's POV

It's been two weeks since Mark got kidnapped. Jack and Mark have been spending more and more time together, as soon Jack and I would have to go back to Ireland. We were originally going to go back sooner, but because of the incident, Jack hasn't wanted to leave. He's been recording videos in Mark's setup but he's missing home. I can feel it.

Dark and I have also been spending more time together, smoke-traveling around America. Dark was pointing out the best places. We saw the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building and various other landmarks. Our relationship was blossoming into love, us falling deeper in love (which was surprising considering us being 'dark').

One day, after coming back from a sightseeing adventure, we got back to Mark's house. Mark and Jack were cuddled up on the sofa, with popcorn and other snacks, watching the Lion King. As we walked in, they paused the movie to welcome us back. They looked uncomfortable as they sat up, as if they needed to talk about something.

Mark's POV

Dark and Anti had gone out so Jack and I decided to have a Disney marathon. We started with Mulan, and the Little Mermaid, and we were part way through The Lion King when they arrived back. We had been talking, through the films, about when Jack had to go back to Ireland. He then said that he didn't want to go back, that he couldn't protect me if we were so far apart. His voice wobbled: I tried to calm him down, saying that we could Skype everyday. Then, an idea popped into my mind.

"We could move in together. " I proclaimed.
"I can't leave Ireland, Mark! It's my home. And I know that America is yours." Jack said, shouting at first, then trailing off slightly.
"I'd be more than happy to move to Ireland. I'm not expecting you to move away from your family."
"But that would mean you leaving America. Leaving all your friends. And this is such a great place to do YouTube. "
"Calm down Jack. I know that America is where a lot of YouTubers are, but, hey, why not give Ireland one more. "
"I would really love for you to move in with me Mark. Only if you're sure that you want to though. "
"Of course I'm sure. I love you Jackaboy. You know I'd do anything for you."
"I love you too, Markimoo. Hey that rhymes." Jack laughed. "And I know you would, and I would do anything for you."

Time skip
Jack's POV

We'd just finished packing up boxes of Mark's stuff. I was so excited. Mark was finally moving in with me. We had all been back to Ireland, to introduce Mark to my family. Dark and Anti had gone to look around the town, as we didn't want to frighten my family. Now, though, we were back in America to bring Mark's things over to Ireland. Dark and Anti were taking boxes to the car and Mark and I were gathering items that we may have missed the first time round.

All of a sudden, Mark grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the spare room. He kissed me: I kissed back. We pulled away.
"What was that for? Not complaining though." I said lightheartedly.
"No reason. Except for the fact that you're so adorable and handsome and, hmmm, let me think, my amazing boyfriend." Mark grinned gleefully.
"Oh shut up!" I chuckled, kissing his again.

We were interrupted by an awkward cough. We looked toward the doorway, where Dark stood.
"We've finished loading up the car. Uuumm, should I come back later?"
"No it's fine. Go get in the car. We'll be there in a second." Mark said.

We looked at each other after Dark had left. We burst into laughter, our eyes watering. Once we composed ourselves, we went outside. Dark and Anti looked at us quizzically. We both laughed and got in the car. Mark drove to the airport, where we had told them we had a lot of boxes to transport. Some of the staff watched our videos and wanted an autograph, which we willingly provided.

On the plane (first class, as some people had cancelled their flights) we were served alcohol, which both me and Mark turned down, and we listened to music. After our insanely long flight, we arrived at the airport in Ireland. I was so jet lagged and Mark was even more so. We collected our suitcases and arranged for Dark and Anti to collect the boxes (they could pass as us so they could get them). I called a taxi and we went home.

Dark's POV

When we had collected the boxes of stuff, we went to Jack's house to drop them off. Once we got there, we unlocked the door with the key Jack had given us. We took the boxes inside and walked into the lounge. Jack and Mark were collapsed on the sofa, asleep. They looked happy and content.

I took Anti's hand and asked for a tour of the house. He showed me round for a while until we were both tired. He lead me to the guest room and we (despite not needing sleep) collapsed onto the bed and slept, happy.

In the morning, we all felt like looking at fan arts of me and Anti, and Mark and Jack. They were amazing, not accurate, but they were still made with skill. One I saw of Anti, a speed art video, was particularly cool. It showed him with black eye whites and purple pupils, and he was wearing a long jacket and a cropped top. Next to his human form was a shadowy, gooey looking figure that was equally as cool looking. I betted that I could probably go into a form like that if I tried. I mentioned to Anti that we should make him look like the human figure in the art.

We looked at more until we had to go and do daily adult stuff.

No one's POV

Everyone, Mark, Jack, Darkiplier, and AntiSepticEye, was happy when they had moved to Ireland. They became more acquainted with Jack's family, telling them about the 'dark' personas. The family took it well. They go to conventions and visit friends in America, and visit Mark's family.

They eventually made a video to tell their fans about their relationship, not going into it too much. Most, if not all, of their fans supported them. More fan arts and fanfics about them were being made. They smiled, happy to be accepted by everyone.

The End

This has been so fun to write! Thank you all so much for reading it. I am very grateful for over 400 reads! I hope you enjoyed this story. Feel free to check out my other stories. Love y'all :)

Septiplier and Darkiplier x AntiSepticEyeWhere stories live. Discover now