Chapter Five - The Classic Girl Next Door

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Johnny drove down the quiet roads of Glenberry to where Tiffany was. For once in the day, silence filled the car; there was no love fairy to hold a conversation with the boy. He had nothing but his thoughts to ponder, a thing he was used to before the night before. He was never really a fan of such a thing, but it was the comfort he usually fell back on.

"Huh... a demi-god..." Johnny thought. "Gods are real..." "And I'm related to one of them..." "That means I've been a demi-god all my life..."

"Mom never told me anything," he continued. I mean... how would she go about that?

"Hey, Johnny, your father, who you never met in your entire life, is actually a being of omnipresent power..."

"I don't even know what that word means..."

Even though he was lost in his thoughts, Johnny still paid close attention to the GPS on his phone. The girl didn't live too far from Johnny, which was a massive relief for the boy, who was ready to go to bed just over ten minutes ago.

"And Kyanna..."

"What if Nora finds out?" He thought. "If she's even alive... but I seriously doubt anyone has taken her out..."

"She would kick my fuckin' ass if she knew what I was trying to do..." "Especially with someone in her family? Man, I'll be lucky to get my ass kicked..."

"Turn left on Sycamore Avenue." His phone spoke.

He took the turn onto the next street.

"Okay... just focus, dude. Maybe I'm just tired..." He continued. "Son of a god, big dick, eight women..."

"Two of them are related, one of them is related to your ex, and most of them are friends."

"Yeah, I'm fucked."

Johnny looked down at his phone's GPS and noted that the area he was coming up on was very open yet closed off to outside residences. He looked past the dash and through his windshield; he saw exactly where the girl lived.

"Oh shit... a gated community?" He questioned. All his life, the boy had never really been in one of these. He rarely visited these types of places, usually ever going to see such areas when he would go with his mom to visit her close friend, Brooke.

He continued down the road and went to the right side of the street to turn into the community. Once he turned his way in, a gate blocked him right off.

"How the hell am I supposed to get in?" he asked out loud. Looking out the driver's window, he saw a simple speaker with a bright yellow button that had suddenly started to flash. "Hmmm..."

He rolled down the window and, with a slight hesitation, held the button down to see what was supposed to happen.

"So you gonna speak or just melt the mic with your breath?" A voice suddenly spoke from the microphone, sounding feminine but aggressive. "Damn, my bad." Johnny apologized, not expecting such a thing to come from the mic.

"Who are you? I've never seen a black BMW around here," the woman asked, presumably being the community Security guard. "I'm..."

"Gardner?" the security lady cut off. What? That's mad fuckin' racist." Johnny responded. "Sorry, sorry... we have some gardeners who show up in the middle of the night." She said. What?" He responded. Nothing. Again, state your business." She demanded.

"Okay... I'm here to pick up someone..." He started.

"Let me guess... The Hernandez's?" the lady asked. Johnny put his hand over his face and sighed, not really knowing what to say. "Sorry, sorry... we have some kids who stop by to pick up that family's daughter." The lady apologized and explained.

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