Chapter 3

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Haz Stilinski's point of view

I checked my bag once more, making sure I had everything I possibly could need on a first day. Running my fingers through my hair, I stepped outside of the Stiles' jeep and made my way towards him and Lydia. Lydia smiled widely.

"You're really making an impression, aren't you ?" She giggled at my outfit. I looked down at myself, admiring my own clothes. "It's my first day, of course I have to leave an impression." I stated as if it were obvious- well, it is.

"You definitely are," Stiles grumbled, looking over my shoulder. "Hey gym junkie ! Don't you have more important things to do then to look at my cousin's ass ?" He shouted. I chuckled, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Stiles, it's fine."

"Okay. But some ground rules." I groaned. "No boys, no dating or anything like that. If you need help call me. Or Lydia, or Scott, or Malia. You have to tell me if you're going somewhere after school, because right now I'm your only mode of transportation. Got it ?" Stiles sternly said. I didn't enjoy his rules, but who said I was going to follow them ? I'm a senior, let me date.

"Something tells me you're not going to follow my rules." He states eyeing me suspiciously. I snorted.

"Stiles, dear cousin of mine, when do I ever follow the rules ?" I said dramatically. "I don't have my schedule nor my locker. Who will be a dear and take me to the front desk ?" I said in a horrible posh voice.

"I will." Stiles grumbled. I laughed but nodded anyway. We walked through the doors of the school and Stiles showed me to the front the desk where I got my locker number and schedule. Stiles grabbed the paper out of my hands and examined it.

"You have your first 2 classes with Lydia, 1 class with Scott after lunch and your free period with Malia." He listed.

"So I don't have any class with you ?" I asked. He nodded. I smiled faintly. The guy is literally 4 months older then me, he doesn't have to watch my every move.

Lydia walked up to us and looped her arm through mine. "Well, since we have biology and algebra together, I suggest we get going. We don't wanna be late on the first day, do we ?" She winked at me making me smile widely. "I'll see you at lunch, Stiles. I'll stay out of trouble, for the most part." I murmured the last part causing the strawberry blonde beside to giggle.

As we walked in the hallway, I could feel the stares of my schoolmates burning into my sides. There were hushed voices and whispers and pairs of eyes watching mine and Lydia's every move. Geesh, you would think you were Snow White in the forest.

"Does this regularly happen ?" Lydia laughed. "It's only because you look like a model." I looked down at her and shook my head.

"Are they not used to seeing people with a good fashion sense ?" We laughed together, still walking with our arms looped. We passed Scott, and he was one of the people staring.

I will openly admit that he is hot ( I mean can you blame me ?! ), but I don't know if he has a girlfriend, and I'm not about to be a home wrecker. Well, its not really a home yet but.. You know. It's the same principle.

I shot him a small smile and we passed by and he smiled back.

She's too young to have a boyfriend.

Shut up, let her make her own decisions.

I looked around the hallway as we approached the classroom, seeing no one else.

Who was talking ?

❀ ❀ ❀

I met Stiles outside of my classroom, walking with him to the cafeteria.

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