Chapter 11

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Haz Stilinski's Point of View

I sat in the kitchen, munching on pretzels as Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Malia and Liam planned their pack adventures. If I'm honest, I was getting really annoyed that Stiles didn't let me in on what they do. I mean, I'm apparently supernatural, shouldn't I be at least informed?

Liam walked into the kitchen. He started looking around, trying to find where the glasses were. I briefly stood up and opened a cupboard and retrieved a mug. I held it in my hands, waiting if he was going to take it from me.

Liam was two years below us, making him a sophomore. He was known as the baby of the pack, the smallest one. He was Scott's beta. He followed whatever Scott said and did. He was kinda cute, but the I-wanna-pinch-your-cheeks cute.

"Hey, squirt." I called, grabbing his attention. He looked like a deer in headlights, it took a lot not to laugh at him. "Oh, Haz. Hi." He greeted with a small smile. I gave him the mug and he mumbled a thank you.

"So, what are you guys talking about?" I pried. "Uh, I don't know if I can tell you." Liam said in a small voice. I chuckled. This kid's too obedient for his own good.

"Nah, you're fine. Stiles can't hurt you." I reassured him.

"Uh, well we're just talking about this new guy on the lacrosse team who doesn't believe in the supernatural and-"

"Hey, Liam what's taking you so long to-" Stiles looked back and forth between Liam and I. "Were you telling her the plan?" He accusingly looked at Liam who shrunk back a little. "Well she-" Liam tried to reason but Stiles cut him off.

"Liam! No! You can't tell Haz!" Stiles yelled loud enough to grab the attention of Lydia, Malia and Scott who were in the living room. This was when I decided to intervene.

"And why not, Stiles?!" I yelled back.

"Because!" I rolled my eyes.

"Because what?!"

"Because what we do isn't safe!"

"You think I don't know that!"

"I do know you know that! That's why I expect you to stay out of this!" Stiles yelled. I was about to yell something back, when Lydia grabbed my arm and looked at it.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Lydia looked at my arm in awe. "Look at your arm." Malia said.

I looked down at my forearm to see-

Wow. I never thought I'd have tattoos.

My arm had faint tattoos, one that was really visible was a band around my arm, with a tribal print and a word written in another language in the middle. "What does that mean?" I asked nobody in particular. "The word means courage in Greek." Lydia answered. I looked at my arm again. The tattoos were faint, but you could still see them. I glanced at everybody in the room, seeing Stiles looking surprised but Lydia, Scott, Malia and Liam were all wearing expressions of shock and astonishment.

"What?" I asked.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Lydia asked.


"Why didn't you tell us you were supernatural?" Malia finished. I looked at Stiles.

"You didn't tell them?"

"I don't know what you are!" He defended himself. I snorted.

"But maybe they do?" I deadpanned.

"Look, whatever you are, it's weird. We'll figure it out, somehow. But right now, we have something else to focus on. You see, if little Liam here didn't go to get some water, then this wouldn't have happened and now we're falling behind." Stiles groaned.

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