Chapter 6

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Eric Hutton's point of view

Great the match was over. That was actually more intense than I thought it would be. They all were good players. It was an interesting game but I still wouldn't play it. After all nothing beats Capture the Flag.

Okay fine I missed Camp Half Blood a bit. I admitted. There, happy?

My aim for the moment was try to find some useful information and try not to attract a lot of attention to myself. The last part was a failure because of my very noticeable ride. That was the sort of attention I could live with.

Before you call me a showoff or something lemme ask you something. Have you ever met a child of Ares who isn't a showoff? It's in our blood. So you can't really call me out for it. Plus at the end of the day I still have the car and your opinion is invalid.

I lost sight of Harper as soon as the game was over and everyone ran into the field. I just stood there stupidly. I didn't know anyone. I didn't know what to do to fit in either. I decide that I should just go into the field and pretend I was searching for someone. Yeah, that was good. I would be searching for-


"What?" asked the pale guy i just bumped into. Stiles. I bumped into Stiles. Great.

"Uh I think I lost my friend, Percy. have you seen him?" I tried to cover up.

"Percy?" he asked, confusion written all over his face.

"Yes! Percy Jackson." Yes, I was risking to much.

"Uh nope never heard of him," Stiles replied.

"Well thanks anyways," I said, faking a sigh.

"Are you British?" Stiles asked me, before I could escape.

"Yes, my mum was. My dad's American," I replied. I did get a lot of questions about my accent.

"Oh uh - sorry it's none of my uhm business I - "

"It's okay... I don't remember most of it," I cut him off before he made up a speech of how sorry he was. He did remind me of Percy in some ways.

"I'm still sorry," He replied.

"Um yeah, thank you," my voice sounded questioning because I never really knew how to answer people who tell you their sorry for a death they weren't involved in.

"I'm Stiles," he said breaking the awkward silence as neither of us had made any move to walk away.

"I'm Eric."

"Uh you should go find Percy."

"Yeah, I really should. Nice meeting you though," I waved and pretended to go search for Percy, who I still knew would be in New York.

He waved back at me. I kinda liked Stiles.

Plus, he seemed harmless and human too. Definitely a mortal.


I may or may not have stalked Scott into the woods. I may or may not have gotten lost in this place. And I may or may not have a giant cyclopes. Too bad he wasn't as friendly as Tyson, that guy gave the best hugs.

What exactly happened? Well I was spying on Scott who just seemed to stare down on to the city below him from this cliff point and I decided to give him some privacy and leave. While I was walking back to my car (which is still in a great condition don't worry) I came across the cyclopes who was trying to pull up a tree from the ground.

Now, when you see a monster who isn't doing anything to you and not really causing harm to anyone here is a great tip : WALK AWAY AS FAST AS POSSIBLE BEFORE IT SMELLS YOUR SCENT.

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