Chapter 12

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Eric Hutton's point of view

The stench that filled my nose reminded me of death? Have you ever what death smells like? If you did then just go ask Percy. He's met the God of the Underworld, Hades. Let's not forget the fact that he went through Tartarus and back.

I am pretty sure he would have told me that death smelled nothing like this but people have different perceptions of what death smells like and not everyone gets an audience with the Lord of the Death.

So, there I was standing in the shadows of Prometheus's throne. He calls it a throne. Trust me it's not as grand as the ones in Olympus. There were these two people in front of him and they looked totally like they were twins. Nope. Cut that. They were twins.

"He still didn't contact you?!" Prometheus shouted. "What is he doing?"

Prometheus ran his fingers through his hair. He was beyond frustrated. "A month has already passed and he is wasting my money," he muttered. This was the part where I realized that he was talking about me. No, I wasn't guilty. After all it was his idea to fund me.

"Sir, we could go talk to-," The girl started to say before Prometheus cut her off.

"No one is going to talk to him. Either he has some genius plan in his head that he thinks he can do this alone or he is betraying me."

How did I even get here? How did I get myself involved in this mess?

"It's obviously the latter," the guy said with a flair of annoyance. He obviously didn't want to be here.

A shadow of darkness seemed to pass over the Titan's face, which still has loads of scars as a constant reminder of the time he was tied to the rock and was fed on by vultures. "Pay the boy a visit. Follow him around if you have to. Report back by noon. Tomorrow. Do I make myself clear?"

Well shit. I took a step backwards on impulse right when they all turned to face me. "Eric! No shoes on my bed god damnit! Eric!"


"Eric! No shoes on my bed god damnit! Eric!" Stiles shook my shoulder and practically shouted in my ear. This totally did not result in me jumping up only to find myself slip off the bed. And I totally did not just grab at the covers only to have them fall right on top of me as my butt hit the floor.

"Thanks a lot Stiles," I grumbled, blinking a couple times to adjust my eyes to the sudden brightness.

The room busted into giggles and laughter. My bad. The people in the room busted into giggles and laughter. Percy and I were hanging out in Stiles's room with his friends from his "pack". There was the strawberry blonde haired girl who I had seen hanging out with Haz earlier, Lydia. Another girl named Malia, who happens to be a were-coyote. This guy called Liam and his best friend Mason. Scott was on a date with Haz.

Rule number one of hanging out with them was 'Don't mention a word about the date especially in front of Stiles, if you know what's good for you'. Which is a very nice rule because the moment Liam asked where Scott was, Stiles started panicking.

'What if he touches her?'

'They are on a date Stiles, he is bound to do that,' Lydia replied, rolling her eyes.

'What if they-?'

'Don't use protection and she gets a kid? Now yes that would be some real shit to be bothered about,' I said with a smile on my face. As usual I killed the moment.

As for what were we doing in Stiles's bedroom? Well to be honest, we were having a group discussion on when it would be best to actually have a test on Haz's abilities and also about any thing strange someone may have have noticed while they were around her.

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