Chapter 5

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Haz Stilinski's Point of View

I walked towards Stiles' jeep, seeing Scott talking to him through the window.

"Hey, Scott." He turned around to face me, smiling widely. "Hi, Haz." He moved out of the way so I could get inside of the passenger seat. I sat comfortably on the seat, and threw my bag to the backseat. "You're coming to the game tomorrow, right ?" Scott asked me. I furrowed my eyebrows. What game ?

"We have a Lacrosse game tomorrow." Stiles reminded me.

Oh, right. That game.

"Considering Stiles is my only ride, I guess so." I shrugged as Scott chuckled.

"Scott, we'll see you tomorrow. Dad wants us home for dinner. Well, he wants Haz home for dinner." My head snapped to my cousin.

"Me ? What did I do ?" I exclaimed.

"What didn't you do ?" Stiles deadpanned. I rolled my eyes.

"Just drive already." I grumbled making both boys laugh.

"See you tomorrow, Scott." Scott nodded as Stiles pulled out of the school driveway and we were on our way back home.

I pulled my phone out from my pocket and started playing some games.

"Do you have a thing for Scott ?" Stiles asks. My eyes nearly pop out from the sockets as I crane my neck towards him.

"Why do you think I have a thing for Scott ?" I nervously laugh.

"Uh, because you smile a lot when you're with him." He states as if it was the most obvious thing.

"Do I not smile a lot in general ?" I challenge.


"What do you mean no ?! I smile all the time !"

"No you don't, Haz. You're always smirking or not showing any emotion at all."

I swear my eyes are going to roll all the way back into my head because of how many times I roll them.

Stiles parked the jeep in the driveway, I got my belongings and jumped out of the door. I walked into the house, placing my bags on the sofa.

"Hey, kiddos." Papa Sheriff ( as I like to call him ) said and kissed my forehead and ruffled Stiles' hair.

"Stiles said you wanted me home. What for ?" I sat down at the dining table which had Chinese takeout on it.

"These two adults came in the station this morning, they were looking for you." He pulled a picture out onto the table of a young looking couple. I furrowed my eyebrows. I've never met these people, but they look awfully familiar. Like I've seen them before.

"They also gave this. I'm not really sure why, but it has your name on it. Your full name." He handed me a basket filled with Olives and water with a card attached to it.

Harper Zoe Stilinski

From : A & P

A and P ? Who was A and P ?

"Do you know them ?" He asked me. I shook my head. "They do look familiar though..." I trailed off. "Can I keep the picture ? Maybe I just can't think of their names right now." Papa Sheriff nodded and slid the picture to me. I picked it up and folded it, placing it in my pocket.

"Well, since Haz isn't in trouble yet, I think it's time to eat." Stiles announced. I nodded faintly, my thoughts going back to the basket and picture.

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