chapter 10

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Eric Hutton's point of view 

"Why did you do that? Why did you just blurt that out to them?" Percy asked me. He was sitting across from me at the dinning table as we ate our cereal. 

"About how Harper wasn't normal?" I asked. I ruffled my hair in frustration. I hadn't really thought of the complications that was going to come with whatever i did just because I was getting tired of lying. I am a son of Ares,  normally I would think that would mean that I might make good decisions regarding stuff like this. No, wait. Athena is the goddess of strategies and shit. This was something Annabeth would excel at. Not me. 

"Yes. Please tell me you have a plan." Percy wouldn't stop staring at me. 

"Would me lying about it make you feel better?" 

"Eric, why did you call me here?"

I sighed. Because you are the only friend I have dumbass.

"Because you were the first person I could think off who would help me," I replied. "Plus I used your name as an excuse without thinking twice so i decided that i might as well get you over here because I have no idea what I am doing. Let's be honest, I highly doubt Prometheus knows what he is dealing with."

"You should have let me brought Annabeth along," Percy said. 

"And be the third wheel even in my own apartment. Sorry but not happening. Plus she hates me." 

"Nah she doesn't."

"Yes she does."

"She has no reason too."

 "Really? She never looks at me straight in the face. No one even from my cabin does. Heck, hardly anyone from camp even gives a shit about me. I didn't even do anything wrong for them to hate me!" 

It took me a second to realize that I had raised my voice towards the end. But the anger that started bubbling inside of me didn't want to die down just yet. I pushed my bowl away from me and got up. 

"Eric, they just- I think they just still haven't gotten used to you just yet," he said in a rather lame attempt to calm me down. 

"Used to me?! Percy, I am about as normal as anyone else from my cabin. I don't have any super powers and I am not a child of the Big Three. I did not have a prophecy written on me ages before I was born. I did not lead a battle against the titans or the giants. But still I am abnormal enough for everyone to avoid?!" 

"That was not what I meant, Eric. You know what I was referring to. You know really well what makes them fear you." The calmness in his voice was unsettling. He had dealt with people like me before. Well just this one particular demigod named Nico DiAngelo, son of Hades. 

I slammed the table with me hand. My anger getting the best of me. "I DIDN'T KILL HER. THAT WASN'T ME. I WOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT."

"I know. But I wasn't talking about her either."

"I. Am. Not. A. Murderer." I was literally seething by now. 

"Eric. You're doing it again," Percy said quietly. 

I looked down at myself. Great. Red aura was radiating from my body. I wanted to punch everyone and smash their face into the wall. Better still I wanted to watch everyone do that to themselves. One of the many perks of being an Ares kid. I can mess with people's emotions so bad and at random moments it makes everyone terrified of me. Of course this only happened when my emotions were blasting through the roof of the emotion meter that each one of us has. 

This was what happened three years ago. At my mum's funeral. 

Also known as the day I first met my Dad. 

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