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(Thank you thank thank you guys for reading the first chapter! Really I'm sorry if this chapter sucks...

Please vote and comment what you think so far? ) 


I take a few steps back so that he doesn't see me too. Why am I so nervous? He's just my substitute teacher, who happens to be absolutely gorgeous. I hear him and the cashier talking. And he laughs, he has such a cute laugh. I peek over and see he's taking to the cute girl ringing him up. I roll my eyes and step back again. I'm sure she's flirting with him.

Honestly it feels weird thinking that. I hear him tell her to have a nice day and I peeked again and he was walking away. I walk to the register and pay for the bread and candy. She smiled at me and I fake smiled back.

"Have a nice day." She smiled as I started to leave.

"Thanks." I said coldly. I'm never rude to people why am I being so hurtful to her? I walk outside and it's pouring rain and windy. This surprises me a little figuring its almost October. It should be snowing by now. It's been such a weird year.

I decide to just run to the car and unlock it while I'm running. I should have parked closer. When I got to my car I threw the stuff in the passenger side. I start the car and head home. I walk in the door and smell some delicious spaghetti.

"Honey I'm glad your back, took you long enough." My mom laughed from the kitchen. I walked in and she was almost done. I hand her the garlic bead and go sit on the couch and start to watch tv.

"So where's John?" I asked noticing he's not drooling over the food. John is my stepdad. My mom and dad got divorced when I was 10. I don't like him at all. He's a total jerk and treats my mom and I like shit.

"You just missed him. He left to go have a drink with a friend. Oh yeah, so tell me about your substitute you were complaining about this morning." How did I know she was going to bring Mr. Horan up? My mom is very nosy when it comes to school and my social life...she sometimes over reacts to pointless stuff too.

"He's not what I thought he would be at all mom." I said in an excited tone.

"Oh so it's a man? What's he like?" She yelled from the kitchen. I don't know if I should say he's really hot because she's really judgemental..

"Uh, he's okay. He's surprisingly old. He looks like he's in his late forties. I lied. I don't know why I lied, but I just don't want my mother to judge me. She judges everyone on everything.

Ten min later she came out and handed me my bowl with my dinner inside. I'm very hungry so I dig in. I twirl a few noodles with my fork and put it in my mouth.

"Skylar Marie! Stop eating like that you look discussing!" She yelled at me. After I swallowed my food I got up off the couch and went to my room. Looks like I'm eating in my room. I mean I wasn't even doing anything wrong. I pull out my phone and log onto Instagram as I continue eating.

As I'm scrolling down this is what I'm thinking: don't care, slut, haha, don't care, ew, slut. Then I see that Lynette posted a picture of Mr. Horan sitting at his desk. The caption saying,

"Check out this hunk! He's my new teacher ;) #fine !"

Wow Lynette. I laugh a little to myself and then scroll down one more picture and its a picture if us during that period. We had turned around cause there was a bad lighting. In the back of the picture I see Mr. Horan? Smirking? Talk about photo bombing. I look at the time and see that it's twelve past ten. Wow time flies when I'm on my phone.

I text Lynette goodnight but she doesn't text back, weird she usually does. I get up from my bed and place the spaghetti bowl that had been sitting in my bed for hours onto the nightstand. I creep out of my room and go to the bathroom to take off my makeup. I also need take out my contacts and put on my glasses. So much work to do before bed. Ugh.

I get up and lock my door so I can write in my diary. It's my most privet possession and only Lynette know about it and where I hide it. I put it in a shoe box then in the back of my closet piled under clothes.

'September 28th 2013. 

Today was just like every other day except for the Sub for Mrs Sanches. His name is Mr. Horan. He's hot. I saw him at the store right after school too. I didn't say hi or anything. I tried to avoid him. I keep finding myself thinking about him. I don't know why. I like to mother about how he looked cause I know she'd judge me and call me names about it. It's almost ten-thirty so I think I'll try to go to sleep. I have to get up at six-thirty.'

I put my diary back away and take my clothes off not bothering to change into my pajamas tonight. I plug my phone in to the charger and press play on my sleeping playlist.


*Knock knock*

"Skylar wake up you're late for school it's almost ten in the morning!" My mother yells. I get up and mentally slap myself. No time for a shower so I guess I'll just drown myself in perfume. I need to get to school soon so I just throw on a hoodie and the same pair of skinny jeans I wore yesterday. I walk into the bathroom when my mom walks by saying,

"I hope you don't plan on putting makeup on, you don't need it. And besides you need to hurry the fuck up." She said in a quiet yet harsh tone.

She was right I needed to hurry so I brush my teeth and throw my hair in a ponytail and look in the mirror. I look like shit. Oh well. I throw my shoes on and walk out the door with my shit. It's fucking windy and cloudy outside. Just great.

By the time I got to school 3rd period had already started. I walk in and a few people are staring at me. Mr. Horan was already into the lesson. He stops and stares at me.

"Um, sorry I'm late Mr. Horan." I said as I pass him my tardy slip.

"It's okay, miss King?" I nod my head "I won't give you detention. J-just take your seat please." He stuttered. Why is he acting weird. He should be upset and yelling at me like all my other teachers. I go and I sit down next to Lynette and she's fixed on her phone.

"So why were you late! 1st period was hell without you!" She whispered.

"Sorry I slept in. I look like shit don't I." I asked nervously.

"No, you don't actually, I like your glasses. I haven't seen them in a while." SHIT, I forgot to put my contacts back in. Now I feel like look even worse. How did I not notice all this time that I had them on?! It's whatever I guess cause I have to go the rest if the day with them.

The rest of the period wasn't so bad. We had a worksheet to do and we worked with partners. 

When the bell rang Lynette and I get up quickly and bolted for the door.

"Um, Miss King? Can I have a moment with you, please?" Mr. Horan stopped me. I told Lynette I'd see her at lunch later and walked back into the room.

"So, what do you need Mr. Horan?" I asked politely. He was sitting in his chair and quickly got up. He fixed his tie before be said anything

"Yeah, I know I'm new and I don't want to be that mean teacher who gives out detentions. So can you please be more on time? I really don't want to boss you around cause that's not what I'm here to do. Do you understand..?" He said and took a deep breath cause he said it so fast.

"Yes, I understand. I'm sorry I won't be late anymore." I smiled a little bit.

"Well you might want to get to your next class you still have, 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Good thing it's right down the hall huh." He said looking at his watch. How did he know where my next class was? He probably just saw me walk to it yesterday.

"Yeah.. Haha. See you tomorrow Mr. Horan." I waved awkwardly.

"Bye bye."

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