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"Fine then, why are we here right now. Sky, would you like to say something instead of watching us bicker?" They both look at me with anger and sadness in their eyes. My mouth opens, but nothing comes out.


"I, this, why are you suddenly gaining up on me?!" I cross my arms.

"Because she is your best friend." I don't know what he wants me to say! He's expecting so much from me right now.

"What am I supposed to say?"

"You're supposed to be mad at her! Not passing notes and acting like nothing happened."

"What?" Lynette pouts.

"I am mad at her!"

"What?" She says again. "I tried to tell you the truth." I don't know that for sure. "What else do you want from me?" Now she looks mad at me instead of the other way around.

"I want you to own up to your bullshit and stop leading me on." Her face turn pale.

"Leading you on? I haven't done anything to do with that asshole knowing about you to! I love you Sky, by you are so gullible. You'll believe anything anybody tells you." That's not true..

"Wow." Niall says and takes a step back.

"I am giving you one last chance to stop being gullible and to forgive me or I will just turn around and stop being your best friend. I'm the one getting hurt all the damn time." Niall looks at me with wide eyes.

"Well how do I know it wasn't you?" I just want to be one hundred percent sure.

"Because I'm your best friend. And being your best friend, you shouldn't have even believed what you were told in the first place! You should have came to me and asked before you yelled at me and pushed me down." Oh my god. I'm such a bad friend..

"Lynette, I'm sor-"

"No Sky, you've proved to me just how much you really trust me. I love you, but I'm just done." She storms out of the room before I can even say a word.

"It's okay baby, don't cry." He says holding me in his big arms. His thumb wipes away my tears and I just hold him tighter.

"This back and forth thing with her was driving me nuts." I cry "Why couldn't this just end the way it was supposed to?"

"Everything happens for a reason baby. Maybe this is how it was meant to end."

*Niall's POV*

All of my anger vanished when she started crying. I just stand seeing her upset.

"Everything happens for a reason baby. Maybe this is how it was meant to end." I assure her, petting her head. "Do you think you can make it throught the rest of the day okay?" She nods her head.

"Can I come over after school?" She asks before leaving the room.

"Of course you can baby." We echange 'I love you's' and she's gone.


"Yeah, I'm on my way right now." Sky says over the phone. Finally, today has been pretty long. I just want to lay down and relax with my girlfriend.

About fifteen minuets later she's here, and in her pajamas. "Nice PJ's babe." I laugh, at her spongebob pants and a old t-shirt of mine.

"Shut up." She punches my arm and hands me a grocery bag."

"What's this?"

"Icecream. I'm still really bumbed about Lynette." I give her a hopefull smile and grad two spoons. I already had the couch set up and ready. My biggest banket and a few comfortable pillows.

"What should we watch first?" She asks. As Im looking through the guide I see Girl Code and Guy Code.

"How about this? It's pretty funny." Maybe it will cheer her up.


I think girls will admit to bad driving when guys stop lying about what 8 inches is that's Girl Code

We both laugh at the woman on the tv screen.

Boys are scary. They go from "Aw, you're so adorable" to "Send me butt pics and sit on my face" in 2 seconds, and I can't handle that transition.

Sky looks at me and just laughs even harder.

"I don't see wha's so funny."

"Boys are so dumb." She can barley breathe she's laughing so hard.

"I'm not a boy, I'm a man." I say and she gives me a straight face for a few seconds.

"Okay babe." She laughs again.

People don't want to hear about your diet. Shut up, eat your lettuce, and be sad.

"I know right! People are so annoying when I comes to diets." She yells with icecream in her mouth. Her phone rings and she he happiness fades. I take the phone from her hands and look at the contact.

Lynette... I answer it so that Sky won't have to.


"Mr. Horan? Wh- never mind. Is your tv on?"


"PUT ON THE NEWS!" She yells before hanging up on me.

"What did she say?"

"She said to put the news on." I say, flipping to channel four.

Sourses say, that twenty-one year old teacher, Niall James Horan, has been in a relationship with a seventeen year old student named Skylar King. It was from an annon sourse, so we are not one hundred percent sure. We have police, here in the building who say, they are going to get a warrent for his arrest. They have the young woman, Skylar's diary where she talks about him in several pages. If it comes clear to the police that the diary was a fake and he's innocent, no charges will be pressed against him.

What the fuck...


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