You've Been Bad

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"Holy Shit Sky!" I bust out laughing. "How long have you been there?!" He yells.


Before I can even answer his question, he ends the video chat. A few seconds later he's calling me. Im not sure if hes mad or embarrassed so, I hesatate on answering it. Will he yell at me? Will he say he doesn't want to be with me anymore? I don't know why I laughed...If it were the other way around, which it never would be, Id be upset if he laughed.

*On the phone*

"Hello?" I say causily.

"Is your mom home right now?" Oh great, he sounds furious.

There was a knock on my door.

"Hold on."

*off phone*

"Yeah?" I yelled

"Im going to run some arruns and have dinner with Bernice. I'll be home around 10:30." my mother yells.

"Okay. Can you bring me home some flaming hot Cheetos?" (A/N I love & I'm craving these so bad right now!. my mom needs to hurry home!)


*back on phone*

"Shes leaving right now wh-" The line went dead.

Why would he call and ask if she was home? I hope he's not upset with me....But I know he is.. I try to distract myself by watching tv and eating the rest of my food.

*20min later*

In the damn middle of my cartoon, somebody rings the doorbell. I put my tanktop back on and head down the stairs. Before I even get to the door it rings again.

"Im right here, God dammit! Chill!" I scream. Thats one of my biggest pet pieves. When people ring the doorbell more than once. I open the door and Niall is standing there with my bag. His facial expression was completly blank. He walks in, puts my bag in the kitchen and walks right out.

"See you monday." He says as he closes the door behind him.

He walked out. Who the fuck does that? After he left he didn't answer any of my calls or texts.



I've been texting him all day today and yesterday, but still no answer. I had a doctor appointment today too. I got an x-ray and my arm is literally almost healed. It showed that the bone in my arm had just a little tiny crack in it. I goy my rock hard cast taken off and a little vel-crow one put on. I still have to take pills but these one aren't big, ugly, huge ass ones. They're pretty small. I only have to take one a day now! Yay. (A/N this has actually has happened guys) My mom took me shopping too. Shes been acting so weird lately. She only ever takes me shopping when its like a school holiday or something. I got a lot of clothes. Abunch of skinny jeans, hoodies, and T-shirts. (A/N again...this is my closet XD ) After that she took me to the fabric store so that I could get a few yard of lace. Im obsessed with those 'do it yourself' stuff. I want to be a fashion designer when I get out of school. It's my dream. I don't know why I didn't tell Niall that.

It's starting to get late, so I'm going to try and call him one more time and get ready for bed. I press call and this time it doesn't even ring. Just goes straight to voicemail. I look at the time and leave a message, " Hey Niall, um, I know this is like the millionth time I've called. I'm sorry. Can we please talk? I guess Ill see you tomorrow." After I hung up I plugged my phone up and got into bed.


I woke up 30 minuets early just so that I can look perfect. After I take a shower and get dressed I do my hair and make up. I'm wearing my new grey v-neck and my black skinny jeans that I cut last night. The things us girls do to look nice... After all that, a long ass morning....I get in the car and leave. You dont know how good I feel driving again even though it was only like a week. Even though I feel bad about Niall being mad at me, I think besides that, today should be a really good day. I stop at a coffee stand and get a white chocolate frappe. Sooooo goooooood!

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