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The rest of dinner wasn't so bad. Her mother was such a good cook. I hope Sky cooks as well as her mother. But there were a few moments that I didn't like so much. Her mother is so judgemental..

Skylar Marie stop slouching.

Skylar Marie get your elbows of the table

Skylar this

Skylar that.

Skylar what are you wearing, you look horrifying

Skylar your hair looks like a rats nest.

I love her hair. The way she dresses is not horrifying. I'm so surprised she didn't leave the dinner table in tears. Poor girl must be used to this.

Mrs. King asked if I wanted dessert but I declined. I'm now sitting on the front porch waiting for my cab to arrive. I've been sitting here for like twenty minuets. I hear the door behind me open.

"Hey you." Sky smiles.

"Hey, why are you out here don't you think your mom will be wondering where you are?"

"Nope. I told her your cab came and that it left. She's getting ready for bed anyways." She sits next to me leaning her left shoulder to me. "Thank you for bringing me home."

I turn my head and she's all cuddled up to me, with her good arm linked to mine. I kiss her forehead and she smiles.

"It's nothing. Your mom she's- she's something." I laugh.

"Oh, yeahhhhh." She lets out a sigh at the 'yeah'. "She was only being sweet cause you were." Sweet?

"That's her being sweet? I'd hate to see her when she's pissed!"

"Yeah that's a sight you don't ever wanna see."

"You know, I love the way you dress. And your hair, it's perfect. You're perfect." She sits up and looks dead in the eye. She opened her mouth as if she was going to say something, but then closed it.

I put my hand to her beautiful lips and brushed my thumb over it. She was just staring into my as. Mine were fixed on her lips.

"Skylar come inside, now" Her mother popped out of nowhere."what are you doing?" She asks me. I had pulled my hand back just seconds before.

"She uh, I was just looking at her busted lip." I lied as my cab pulled up

"Oh okay. Well thank you again for bringing her home. Bye-bye." She said sweetly. I got up and made sure I had my wallet. I waved and walked away.

Skylar's POV;

Way to go mom..such a cockblock.
I walk inside after watching his cab drive away. I walk into my room and close and lock the door. I lye down trying not to hurt my arm. I pull my phone out of my back pocket and text Niall.

Me: Hey. What time do I need to be at your house tomorrow?

I didn't forget i just wanted an excuse to talk to him.

Niall: Noon, unless you wanna sleep in we can make it a little later?

Me: Actually I sleep in till 12 on the weekends xD how about 1:30?

Niall: Whatever's better for you :)

Me: Okay aha :) well I'm exhausted it's been, an....eventful day. Niiiiight :D

Niall: Sweet dreams :* xx


I woke up and my arm is insanely sore. I look at the time and it's 11:56am.
I get up and go to the kitchen to see if the pills I have to take are on the counter.

"Morning." My mother says as she's reading the paper and eating brunch.

"I need my pills." I say.

She just pointed to the counter that they were sitting on the counter, just as I suspected.

"I need you to do all your house work today." She says still not looking up from the paper.

"Can't." She finally looks up.

"Why not?" She asks, obviously getting mad.

"I uh, I'm going to a friends house."

"Oh Lynette's?"

"No...mom, Lynette and I aren't friends anymore."

"Oh. Well, I never really liked her. So who's house are you going to?

"My friend Katelyn's house." I lie

"Okay then. Do you need me to drive you?"

"I'll be fine. I'm gonna go get ready."

After I showered and got dressed I look at myself in the mirror. I think I'm just going to go all natural today. No makeup. My natural hair. I grabbed my keys and phone and head out the door.

Niall texted me his address while I was sleeping cause I forgot to ask. I can be the dumbest person ever sometimes. I pulled up and my jaw dropped. He had a big house. I walked to the door and rang the bell. Niall almost immediately opened the door as if he watched me pull up.

"Hey!" He hugged me tight and I hugged him back.


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Ily :*


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