I'm Done

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry the story has been going so slow....

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bye! :*


*2 months later*

My alarm goes off at seven and I cringe. Just thinking about a few months ago, breaks my heart. I've liked Jake for years and to find out he likes my best friend kills me inside..I look at my phone to see no texts or missed calls.

I feel like complete shit. I don't want to look like I did yesterday so I quickly jump in the shower. The hot water feels amazing. When I was done I got out to find some clean underwear. I slip on my favorite light blue skinny jeans.

I tip toe into my moms bed room and grab her good hoodie. It fits comfortably and it's warm. It's pink and says 'Fuck It' in glitter.
I go back to my room and put some deodorant on then the sweater. After that I spray a lot of perfume.

I go into the bathroom and look at my hair. I'm not sure if I want to straighten it or curl it today. After ten minuets of debating I decide to leave it wavy. I usually never keep it that way but today it doesn't look too bad. I grab my makeup bag and put a little concealer and mascara on. Then slip shoes on, grab my stuff and, head out the door.

By the time I get to school I have just under five minuets to get to class. I quickly run up the stairs. Just as I walk in and sit down the bell rings and Lynette walks in. She doesn't look happy and preppy as usual to see me. She sits down and pulls out her phone

"Hey." I say trying to talk to her

"Hi." She replied.

"Listen, I'm sorry I was mad hung up on you that night." I finally say after a moment of silence. She turns over and looks at me.

"It's okay. Don't be sorry. He's a jerk anyways. You don't need him." He words made me feel slightly better. We exchanged smiles and class went on, same old same old.

I almost forgot I sit next to Jake next period. As the bell rang Lynette's phone went off and she had the biggest smile on her face as she answered it.

"Oh hold on. Skylar, I have to go I'll see you in third period." Then she hugged me goodbye. I quickly walked to my next class and sat down. Jake wasn't there yet. Our seats are the closest to the door as he walked in he was on the phone. He threw his backpack at his seat and walked back out. I'm not one to eavesdrop but I heard my name come from his mouth.

"No Lynette it's okay. I'll just tell her I don't want to date either of you. Yeah. Of corse. Love you too. Oh shit the bell just rang I have to go. Yeah. I love you I have to go. Bye" What the hell? They're dating?! This explains why she wasn't mad at me this morning. How can she? She doesn't even like him.

As soon as he sits down I fake smile. I honestly want to cry my eyes out and ask how dare he tear me and my best friend apart. We both sat there in silence until after Mr. Green took attendance.

"Hey Skylar, can I talk to you about yesterday?" He asked nervously.

"What's to talk about haha?" I can feel it in my throat. I just want to scream.

"I know I told you I liked you and Lynette but, I know you guys are best friends so I want to stay friends with both of you." He said slowly.

"Who said I even liked you, Jake? Who even said Lynette or I wanted to date you?" I asked rudely.

"Lynette." He had a big smirk on his face and mine went away.

"So you guys are dating now? I hope you're damn happy." I got out of me seat, grabbed my bag and ran to the bathroom.

I can't believe my best friend would do something like this to me. Lie? Go behind my back? This is the worst day of my life... I sat in the bathroom crying until I heard the bell ring from out side of the door. Thank goodness nobody came in all period. I look in the mirror and see if my makeup was ruined. I practically ran to my next class so I could find a seat away from both Lynette and Jake.

Mr. Ho- I mean Niall is at his desk writing. He didn't notice me sit down. The bell rang and more and more people came in. Lynette walked in and sat in her usual seat looking upset. A few people later Jake walks in and sits down.

A few minuets later, Niall gets up and looks at Lynette. Lynette was already looking at me, then Niall looks at me. I'm not looking at either of them but I can feel their eyes on me.

"Um, okay everybody open your books to page 137 and read about Pocahontas and John Smith. When you're finished, answer the questions that are on the board." He said to the class.

My phone goes off and it's a message from Lynette.

"I didn't want you to find out this way. Will you forgive me?"

I just read the message and reply 'Im done'. Over and over, I read the text throughout the period. I didn't notice I had tears going down my face the whole time. I didn't even get to my work. The bell rang and everybody got up.

"Miss King may I speak to you?" Niall asks. I was the last person in the room. He closed the door and looked at me. I just stood there. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, can I go?" I ask almost crying even more.

"No" he answers simply.

"Why not?"

"Tell me why you're upset. Now. We can stand here all day if we have to." He takes a few steps towards me.

"Lynette. Sh-... We aren't friends anymore." I start crying. I have my hands on my face. He walks all the way in front of me and takes his hands out of my face and puts them down. He holds my face with his big hands. Then he wipes my tears from off my cheeks.

The bell rings but neither of us move. I guess he doesn't have a class to teach this period. He's just looking into my eyes and I'm looking into his. I was about to say something but then he kisses me. It takes me a moment to respond but I start to kiss him back. How could something so wrong feel so right.

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