No School

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After we blocked the guy on kik, we decided to watch Tv.

"What do you wanna watch." I ask sitting down next to her with popcorn.

"I don't know, just flip through the channels till we find something good." I was thinking the same thing. I start flipping through channels and we pass up the news.

A big storm is coming our way, so school will be canceled for the next two days.

Ahhh! the rest of the week off!

"This is so awesome! No school! I'm gonna go call my mom and ask if I can stay the night."

"Awesome okay." She left the room and I'm smiling to myself. Today is such an awesome day. Things can't get any better.

"I'm putting on a Dane Cook comedy thing okay?!" I yelled. Right after I said that she runs into the room screaming.

"HE'S SO FUNNY!! I love him!" We continued to watch the comedy show and we almost died. I think things are really starting to get better. Life just had a little bump.

"Tell me about Niall." She said taking a drink of her soda. "Tell me everything y'all have done from his first day."

"There's a lot to tell.."

"I'll be here all week!" She laughed saying it in a cheesy comedian voice.

"So I guess it started when I first saw him at the store down the road. My mom and John split. I didn't get the chance to tell you that." I got a little off subject. "Anyways, he trashed the house and I had to go to the store and get a bunch of new stuff to replace the old stuff. He was there and he payed for all of it."

"Well how much did all the stuff cost."

"Almost three hundred dollars." Her eyes widened.

"Damn, he must have REALLY wanted the p!" Even though she was wrong I laughed so hard at her gross humor.

"Lynette shut up! I told you we aren't just fucking. We like each other." I throw a pillow at her face.

"You're lucky I love you, you cunt," (my best friend and I talk to each other like this...we're psycho I know)

"As I was saying...BEFORE I WAS RUDELY INTERRUPTED," At this point we are just laughing way too hard. "You know what, Ill just tell you later. I'm not in the mood to talk about life. We can do that when we lay down and getting tired. Did you even ask your mom yet ?

"Would I be here if I hadn't?"

"Uh, yeah! Now get the fuck out of my house you bum!"

"Oh God I love you." She smiles.

"Not as much as I love you." I do love her. When I tell Niall that I have forgiven her, he will be upset. Oh well.

"Can we go take pictures?" She asks throwing her hands in the air.

"Yessss!" I love plopping a bunch of makeup on, going into the bathroom with my small lamp and taking pictures.

We both run upstairs, literally tripping like once or twice, we went into my room and grabbed all my makeup and my table lamp.

"What music should I put it on?" She asks.

"Uh, just go open my computer and press shuffle on iTunes." She left and was back within a few seconds.

"Baby when they look up at the sky we'll be shooting stars just passing by ...."

NEON LIGHTS! You guys don't understand how much I LOVE Demi Lovato. Like literally she is my idol.

By the time I put on my concealer and eyeliner the song is over.

"Why do you have like a million lipsticks?" She asks opening my lipstick drawer.

"Because I do. Got a problem with that?" She laughs and says no. When I finish my mascara I take out my favorite lipstick. Bloody Mary. It's just a fancy name for really really hot red.

"Can I use this color?" She asks picking up a pink one.

"You don't need to ask haha." She smiled and started putting it on.

The rest of the night was so fun. We did pack calls, watched movies and fangirled over Justin Bieber. Come to think of it, Jason kinda looks like him.. I push my thoughts to the back of my head when I notice Lynette snoring. She had fallen asleep while watching Master of Disguise. That movie is so funny.

My mom got home right before we started the movie and I told her about there being no school for the rest of the week and she said 'Good for you. I'm going to bed.' I don't like that she gets home super late... I take it that everyone still had to go to work. Except teachers of course. I think it's nice that they get a little break. I get up to make some noodles when I get a call from Niall.

"Hey" I say sweetly.

"We need to talk...."


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