This Is What Makes Us Girls

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"Hey are you okay?" I ask putting my arm on her shoulder. She looks up at me, mascara running down her little Bambi eyes.

"Why does Lynette hate me so much?" She cries. I really don't know.... one minuet they were best friends then the next Lynnette is an evil bitch.

"I don't know baby, let's go to your car. Hand me your keys."
Once we got into the car and turn it on a song comes on the radio and Sky's face lights up

"Oh my god.. this is my favorite song!" After the day she's had, I'm happy she's excited about something. She starts to sing along.

'This is what makes us girls
We all look for heaven and we put our love first
Somethin' that we'd die for, it's our curse
Don't cry about it, don't cry about it
This is what makes us girls
We don't stick together 'cause we put our love first
Don't cry about him, don't cry about him
It's all gonna happen'

Of corse the song has something to do with our situation...

"You know the song is right." She says turning her head to me. I look back at her when we hit a stop sign.

"What do you mean."

"I'd do anything to be with you. I'm putting you first."


"I'd do anything too." I say grabbing her good hand. It's been an eventful week. How can I like someone as much as I do in a week? I'm not sure, and I'm not going to question it.

"Can we go to your place and hang out?" She asks.

"I have to bring you home, your mother is probably worried out of her mind."

She sighs. At least I know she wants to spend time with me.

"Shit!" she yells.

"What, what's wrong?" I ask worried about her answer.

"I told my mom I had an old ugly sub. I didn't say it was you." That's understandable "It's not like I'm going to go up to my mom and say 'Hey mom I have a hot new teacher I really like and wanna kiss and make out with!' She'd murder me, bring me back to life just to murder me again!"

Damn. She likes me just as much as I like her.

"Well who do you suggest we say I am?" I ask in a cocky tone.

"Uhhh, we could say that you're the school counselor!" That's not such a bad idea. "I swear, my mother is crazy, when she sees me, she will flip."

"Okay we'll go with that." I say as we pull up to her house. Thank god for technology. I never would have found her house if she had just told me the way.

Her mother is sitting on the front porch with tears in her eyes. When she notices the car she springs up. I park in the driveway and help Sky out of the car.

"My baby! Are you okay? Your arm! How did this happen? I got a call from the nurse saying you got injured and you were on your way home." She cries.

"M-mom I'm okay I just fell down the stairs, clumsy me hehe" she fake laughs.

"This isn't a laughing matter young lady! And you sir," oh no.

"Thank you so much for bringing my baby home. You don't understand how much I appreciate it." Okay then. Didn't expect that reaction.

"No problem Mrs. King, it was the least I could do." Besides make your daughter feel better, in another way.

(a/n Do with that what you will)

"Please, call me Monica, and would you like to join us for dinner? I mean since you drove in Skylar's car you have no way of getting back to school unless you call a cab." I look over at Sky and her eyes are wide in shock.

"Sure, I'd love to. I can call a cab later." I smile. I might as well stay, and see what she has to put up with.

I follow the two women into their home. It's not so bad. Classic and modern. I'm not judging but I expected it to be messy and old furniture. This is quite the opposite, but it isn't big either.

I walk into the living room and her mother said to take a seat on the couch. Sky sits on the other couch across from me.

"This is so weird she never asks anybody to stay for dinner...I think she's on drugs." she laughs. "Mom what's for dinner anyway? it's only 2:30!" She yells

"I am aware of that Skylar." her mother says walking into the room. "I thought maybe we should talk for a while and get to know..."

"Oh, Niall"

"Niall, yes." She smiles. "So tell me about yourself Niall."


It felt like she has been asking me a million questions for a million years...
"How old are you?"

"I just turned 21." I answer and she nodes her head.

"Hmmm, very young to be a World History teacher." Uh oh.

"H-He's not my history teacher, mom... He's the school counselor." Sky cuts in.

"Oh, okay. I'm just going to get stared on dinner. I cook from scratch so it should be ready in about two hours." I look at the time on the cable box and it's 3:05. That turdy minuets went by fast

(A/n guys.....I had to 😂)

Her mother leaves the room and it's just me and Sky.

"Do you wanna watch tv?" she asks

"Uh, sure." I answer awkwardly. She tries to reach for the remote on her own but can't, so I get up and get it. just as I get there our hands touch. She blushes and pulls out her phone

Sky <3 : I'm so sorry I'm acting awkward, I still hope we can have that date Saturday, if its okay with you

Me: It's alright. and of corse we're going to have that date. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

She turns the tv on and it's some show about some lying pretty girls or something. Sky was focused on the tv but I kept watching her. The way she laughed at something funny, the way she but her lip while she watched.

Thank goodness her mother wasn't in the room and saw me staring at her daughter. She'd have me arrested. 'Just a few more months and it's completely legal.' I keep telling myself.

Just a few months...


Sorry this chapter sucked.... I've been busy and tired....

Vote & Comment what you think will happen next?

Ily :*


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