Prologue: Dream or Reality

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I'm the daughter of the most powerful and respected businessman in the world Adan Akihiro Akira. I have a brother, Akihiro Dale Akira, he is the US Major General, even at young age. My Mom, Elizabeth Granger, was an actress, she retired already not too long ago but still popular. Then there is me, myself, and I, Glaze who's in trouble because I was being transferred in this weird school, Crest Point Academy.

From what the girl told me, who was my guide to who knows where, this is a Death School and It is a school of Assassins, Secret Agents, Mission impossible thingies and what other else is impossible thingy, aspiring students. Tsk! As if! Do they think I'm an idiot to believe that. The fuck is wrong with these people. I just walk laughing and making fun of everything. This is all a joke. . . Or so I thought. . .

Here I am now Trying to catch my breath. I am running for my life, well hiding. In a note saying that I'm a target. Joke? I thought so too that it is a joke but nah! There are people chasing me, I am gonna die in no time, this is so unfair! God help me! I don't want to die just yet! I am prying for my life now hiding inside a library. I don't even know how I got here! . . Here's the recollection of my memory from this morning. .
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My dad and my brother brought me in this school because I am a problem child. I was introduced to the principal, they chatted for the whole time. Blah blah blah, then Someone came in, a student I guess, who guided me and said some stuff, then lead me into a two door room. The girl, Celine, open the locked door and let me to enter, so I did, which is the most stupid thing I did.

As I step inside, I saw a very long hallway, tunnel rather, then the doors shut. That was creepy it was so dark. I tried to call and call for help but no one answered. The bitch just ditch me! What kind of a fucking guide is gonna leave a new student? But still I started to panic and sweat a lot even with the cold ac. Shit! What have I gotten myself into, Is this really a school? Why did my dad even brought me here, does he know this? Am I gonna be killed? Murdered? Tortured? or thrown away?

While on the tunnel, the door on the other side of the tunnel suddenly opened up which startled me to death. The door was sliding up automatically like a heavy metal. I hurriedly run to the door because I don't know what's inside this dark tunnel, but again another stupid decision.

Now I am hiding myself in a compartment inside a library, which seems to be a janitors closet. There is a fucking town inside the school! OMG, and there is not even a single soul living in this town, Is this another Dimension? Oh God, I swear to be a good girl, just let me live and leave this horror place. Wait, do I even believe in this stuff? Maybe I should stop watching and reading fantasy and horror generated stories.

I know I have been really bad. I am a real problem child, my mom and dad are good parents. They give me what I wanted, my brother is also the same. I know I am a spoiled brat, I am a troublemaker who beats the shit out of everyone's face who tries to get on my nerves. I almost crushed every car my dad gave me. Thank God I haven't been hospitalized. But even if I am a bad ass cool girl, I have many friends, everyone on every school knows me, not ONLY because I am a troublemaker but I'm also a good friend. The reason I always get in trouble because, I wanted to protect them. Thinking hero huh! Now I am here and the one who needs a hero

I have been into different schools because I love pranks, especially to those I hate, even the teachers, and also principals, anyone who annoys me.

My mom and dad tried to put me in different kinds of school, co-ed, all girls school, private or public. Same outcome. So probably my family wants to punished me now. I don't even know if this is real or not but I am still gonna run for my life, Those people are after me with freaking guns. . and knives. . and swords! Wow never seen areal sword before. No! Now's not the time to say that.

Am I still in the real world? Why am I even here. I sighed and felt my sweat running down my face. Those shots are for real! Holly cup of coffee Joe!

The beads of sweat coming out of my forehead, the tears wanted to scape my eyes when I heard foot steps and doors banging. I am gonna die here, even with all the defenses I learned in Martial Arts, I am not gonna risk it, there's a lot of them! Please let my family know I am sorry and I love them!

Goodbye world!

Just Kidding. . . . . |(0o0)|

A/N: Please bear with me as the first chapters will be about the main character (GLAZE) and her friends.
Thank you

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