CHAPTER IV : The Rest of Days

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CHAPTER IV : The Rest of Days

"Ugh! Second Place is the most unbearable position at all!"

I complained after we went home to have dinner.

"Tsk. I thought you will never mind that since you were also second place yesterday. I guess you really can't beat that chick."

Smith reasoned out while laughing with the other guys.

"Stop it morons, you know Glaze hates defeat, that's probably the reason why she kept spacing out yesterday, remember?"

"If I'll ever see her again, I will make sure to defeat her not just in racing."

"So you found your ultimate rival huh?" Dave chuckled while making high five with Smith and Carl.

"Guys! Stop teasing her already!" -Gigi scolded them

Gigi debated with the guys. I groaned in frustration because I do hate defeat. In my previous races, I am undefeated, even the thugs on the street are afraid of me and my group. I am also known as the Black Knight here in the town because everyone's afraid of me knowing that I am a Martial Arts Black belter. Also with these friends of mine, we are known as the most avoided group in town. I'll tell why, while this monkeys here are still arguing.

First, me knowing almost all the different kinds of martial arts and everyone in town already knew though I am also a great target, plus I am the daughter of the most powerful man who's not gonna get afraid? If I'm going to list down what are those, it is going to be long, so I suggest we move on and you'll know later.

Next is Gigi who knows Karate and jiujitsu, a gun shooting pro and champion in assault riffle and sniper challenge and competitions. She took gun firing classes since she was still a kid. She also knows archery. She is one of the known gun experts not only in her training school but internationally because of international competitions.

Third is Smith, who also knows Karate, which we all took, street fighting and kenjutsu or 'the way of the sword' or learning the sword art techniques. He learned it from from Japan and continued it to a Ninjutsu training center when he came back here. He also knew how to use guns because of his father.

Fourth, Carl who learned ninjutsu, all I know is he reached the black belt rank but he hasn't reach the master level. He does not use guns just like me. He uses blades as his main equipment or weapon.

Last but not the least, Dave the pistol expert. If it is guns we're talking about specially pistols, him and Gigi is the best team. Although he does not know anything other than that, don't under estimate him because his gunmanship is far beyond expected. However, he's been learning jiujitsu ever since we met him.

If you're asking why we have such practice, I am not pretty sure about the others, but one is for sure, which is protection. As for me I have acquired Karate since I was a kid just like Gigi and Smith. That's the first that we learned, My Dad did not mind that, At first I thought they don't but then Dad gave me a list of martial arts and other techniques that I could, rather should learn, as he said a lot of stuff to me. I don't have idea why though, he just told me that it'll help for my protection in the future or else I will have my bodyguards, the last thing I ever wanted.

Sometimes I am thinking that we were all meant to met. Our parents knows each other but we don't have idea how except Gigi's and Smith's. Because our parents have known each other since their high school days.

"Glaze! Stop zoning out! Aren't you gonna back me up with these morons?" Gigi exclaimed

"Nah, you can do that. You're expert when it comes to debating."

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