Chapter VII : Beautiful Nightmare

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Chapter VII : Beautiful Nightmare

    Now I am running for my life, well hiding in a compartment inside a library which seems to be a janitors closet. In a note saying that I'm a target. I thought so too, it is a joke but nah! There are people chasing me, I am gonna die in no time, this is so unfair. -Oh please God help me! I don't want to die just yet!- I am praying for my life now hiding inside a library closet. I don't even know how I got here!

    Does Dad knew about this things? That There is a fucking town in the school!? And not even a single soul is living in this town, Is this another Dimension? Oh God, I swear to be a good girl, just let me live and leave this horror place. Wait, do I even believe in this stuff? Maybe I should stop watching and reading fantasy and horror generated stories.

    While having my delusions inside this janitors compartment. I heard the door creaked open, the mild footsteps roaming around looking for something, for someone. The beads of sweat started to gush out of my skin as the steps gets nearer and nearer. I have a thought of not fighting and not risking anything but if I am going to die, then I'll give a fight. My fighting skills is not enough to protect me from professional assassins specially that they outnumbered me.

    The sound of footsteps stopped and was not heard. The clicking sound of a door knob being twisted is the only sound I could hear. The door was locked and they started banging it to pop it open. I hold on to a mop and made a stance ready to fight. The door was busted and my eyes were blinded by the illuminating lights coming from the outside.

    I close my eyes because of the blinding ray of light. The beating of my heart is fast and my breathing is unbalanced. I am panting and sweating like I ran in a marathon. I open up my eyes and it started to clear but all I could see is white. White ceiling, white walls, white couch, white curtains and white flowers.

    "Am I in heaven?"

    I mumbled and heard a chuckle from somewhere. Someone in white dress walk towards me. So what does an angel look like? This blurry vision is not helping much is it. I blink thrice and in the fourth time, I was able to see the person in front of me.

    "Hello Miss Akira. It's nice to see that you are awake now. By the way, I am Olivia Winters. And No, this isn't heaven." She smiled at me.

She's in her middle 30's, wearing a white coat with stethoscope in her neck, a glasses and a clip board.

    -Ohh, She's a doctor. Wait? That means . . I am alive and everything was just a dream. . Phew! .-

    "Where am I? I'm not dead . . Yet? Aren't I?"

    "Nope. You're very much alive and your at the school clinic."

    -School Clinic? What School I thought I was already kicked out?-

    "I see. What school was it again?"

She look at me with a smile and confused look but still answered me.

    "Your at Crest Point Academy School Clinic."

    Just as she mentioned the name, everything that happened, every single detail suddenly flashed back in my mind. The school, the town, the assassins but something's missing, how I end up in this place and how was I able to . . . Escape.


    While having my delusions inside this janitors compartment. I heard the door creaked open, the mild footsteps roaming around looking for something, for someone. The beads of sweat started to gush out of my skin as the steps gets nearer and nearer. I have a thought of not fighting and not risking anything but if I am going to die then I'll fight them. My fighting skills is not enough to protect me from professional assassins but at least I could say I survive to this extent.

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