Chapter VI : Chased

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Chapter VI : Chased

Chapter VI : Chased

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"Dad . . . Where is this heading? Where are we going? I thought the School was that one?"

"Yes it is, but that is just the front of the School. Where we are heading is the center of it."

"Whaaat!? But that is just what I saw in the School Page? That one we passed through is. . . is. . just. . The front yard . . Th-then that means the school is much bigger." I said stuttering.

A few minutes ago . . . .

We arrived at a very big building which I assumed is the school building.

"At last! we are here!!"

"Not yet my little sister."

"Wait! What did you just say? Where are we going? Aren't we here already?"

No one answered me. We stopped in front of a large gate and we drove through it as soon as it opened. Is this a tunnel. Where is this heading? Isn't this the last Island of Bermuda?

Back to present . .

We took another hour and a half of driving until we arrive into another gate. It opened up after a few minutes of waiting and continued driving.

"Could someone tell me where are we?"

"This is . . The Crest Point Academy." Brother answered me grinning.

"B-but . . This looks much different from what I've seen in the Page."

"You'll know it when we get there." Dad answered.

"Fine. Why do I have a feeling you just set me up."

"Can't say." Brother answered with a smirk.

"Just what I thought. Tsk!"

"We're here. Akihiro, take all the stuff and bring it inside."

"Got it."

"Let's get inside then. We're heading to the Director's office."

Aki just nodded and I followed them behind while looking around.

Was there really a place like this in Bermuda? This is crazy, I have never seen this part in the map. This is freaking amazing place. Am I dreaming?

I pinch my cheek to test if I am dreaming but it didn't work. This place is just awesome, I never thought there could be a place like this rather, I never thought this could be a school!

"Hey Dad?"


"Where is this place?"

He hold on to his chin like he's thinking how or what to answer to my question.


"This is . . . Nowhere and Everywhere."

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