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Miranda's POV

I've been in labor for about 3 hours now. It's almost 10 o'clock in the morning and my water broke not too long after we got here. A nurse just came in and checked me and I'm at 7 cm. She said I'm moving along but it will still be awhile. Brantley has been on the phone for a while calling everyone. My parents will be in town on the morning so they will meet Carter then. Mama Becky just got here and she's so excited for her first grand baby to get here that she can't quit crying. "Mama calm down." Brantley tells her as the both laugh and he pulls her in for a hug. Raelynn and Carrie come walking in the door carrying balloons and flowers. "Hey girl. How you holding up?" Carrie asks as she comes over and hugs me. "I'm doing okay." I tell her as I wince and brace myself for this contraction.

It's about noon and the nurse comes in to check me again. "Well, you're 10 cm. I'm going to get the doctor and you can start pushing." She says walking out. Mama Becky, Kolby, Raelynn, and Carrie all make their way to the waiting room. "You ready baby girl?" Brantley asks as he grabs my hand and kisses me. "Yeah. I'm nervous but I'm ready for our son to be here." I say with a reassuring smile. The nurse and doctor walk in and start setting everything set up. "Alright Miranda, start pushing." The doctor says as I push and Brantley starts counting to ten. After about 20 minutes of pushing, I hear the beautiful sound of my baby cry.

Brantley went down to the nursery to give Carter his first bath. I take the time to text my parent and send them a picture of Carter. "Carter Wyatt Gilbert. Born July 1st 2016 at 12:45 pm. Weighing 7lbs 6oz and 19in long." I type underneath the picture and hit send. It's not too long before before Brantley walks comes back in the room. "I'm surprised you're not asleep." He says as he walks in. "Nah. I'm tired but I want to enjoy this moment. I'll sleep tonight." I tell Brantley as he leans down to kiss me. The nurse walks in with Carter and I can't help the huge smile that comes across my face. Brantley walks over and picks Carter up and brings him over to me and places him in my arms. "Why don't you go and get everyone out of the waiting room?" I ask Brantley. He kisses me on the lips and Carter on the head and then goes to get everyone.

Brantley's POV

I can't believe that I have a son. Miranda did so good. I walk into the waiting room and tell them that they can come back. I've never seen my mama move so fast in my life. She takes off ahead of all of us and heads straight to the room. My phone dings so I pull it out of my pocket and see that Miranda tagged me in something. I open Twitter and it's a picture of Carter asleep in her arms. "Everyone meet Carter."was all the caption said. When we make it to the room, mama already has Carter in her arms. Raelynn and Carrie run over to mama and start taking pictures of Carter. "Isaiah is finally going to have someone to play with." Carrie says as her and Miranda start laughing.

It's been two days since Carter was born. The doctor's finally said we could go home so we are getting ready to do so. Miranda finishes changing Carter's diaper and puts him in a onesie that says "I have arrived." Miranda goes to change clothes and I put the baby in his car seat. "Let's get you home little man." I take out my phone and snap a picture of him sleeping in his car seat and post it on Twitter with the caption "Little man is going home today." I tag Miranda and put my phone away. Miranda finishes changing and walks out and waits for the doctor to bring her discharge papers. "I'm gonna take some of this down to the truck and move the truck up to the doors." I tell her and lean down to kiss her. I load my arms with as much as I can and make my way to the truck.

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