~Chapter 1~

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Ramona's POV

My life is pretty much a disappointment. I never seem to get any happiness in my life; I've been getting bullied ever since kindergarten for having an Spanish accent and no one knows what the hell I'm saying.

I'm in 7th grade now. That was 8 years ago but I'm still getting bullied every now and then. Today, my mom told me we were moving to her best friend, DJ, house to live with her and her three boys, Jackson, Max, and Tommy Jr.

Jackson is my age and has been my enemy since... Forever! He's actually one of the bullies. Notice how I said ONE of them. There's about 5 or 6. Every now and then, he'll stick up for me if it's really bad. He doesn't bully me as much as everyone else does.

"Mom, I don't want to go live with the Fullers." I whined. "Why not? And quit whining." "Because, Jackson bullies sometimes and has been since 3rd grade." To be honest, I actually really like Jackson, so when he bullies me, it makes my heart stop beating for a second, but when he sticks up for me, I get butterflies in my stomach.

"Come on, you and Jackson come become friends if you wanted to." "That's the problem. I WANT to be friends with him, but I don't know if he wants to, too." "Just talk to him." "Ok mom. I'll talk to him."

Mom opened the door and the first thing I saw was Jackson, looking at me with his big blue eyes. I couldn't help but smile. He kind of smiled back and I could feel myself blush. "Hey Kimmy. Hey... Uh, Rina?" "Romana." I corrected. "Right." He slurred. There was an awkward silence for about 5 minutes of Jackson and I just smiling and looking at each other.

"Obviously, he's not in to me." I thought. "Just like everyone else."

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