~chapter 2~

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Jackson's POV

So Romana and Kimmy moved into our house. Fun, right? I wonder how this will turn out. I like Lola, but maybe, I kind of really like Ramona.

People always think I hate her because I used to, not necessarily, bully her, but try to compliment her, but as you can see that turned out "fantastic". Note the sarcasm. Whenever I tried to compliment anyone, it would always sound mean.

I can't believe I actually got her name wrong. I'm such an idiot. "Hey Rita" "Romana" "Right..." We just stood there looking at each other, smiling but not saying a word.

She pulled out her phone and texted someone. No one was in the room because mom and Kimmy went upstairs. I go over to Ramona and put my hands on her shoulders. "I'm really sorry. It's not that I've been bullying you, it's because I like you. I try, but fail, to compliment you, but it always comes out wrong."

"You l-like me?" She stuttered. "Yes." "Jackson, I-I don't know what to say." "It's ok. You don't have to say anything." She hugs me and I hug her back.

"Ok listen, I know we'll only be here for a while, but I think we should the best out of it." Ramona said. "Agreed." I said. "Hey mom," she started saying. "Where's my room?" "You'll be bunking with Jackson." My mom said. "Oh, that explains the bunk beds. I figured Max would be sharing a room with me." I laughed.

"Top or bottom bunk?" She asked me. "Bottom." We go upstairs and go into our room. She sets her backpack down on the top buck and combs up the latter. "Come on up." She said. "Nah, I'm good, really." "Come of Jackson." "Ugh! Fine." I groaned, as I climbed up the latter.

I sat in her bed and we didn't say anything for a while. "Hey." She said. "Hey." We smiled. "Want to go to Starbucks?" I asked. "You know it!" She said, happily, as she jumped of the bed. I did the same.

We walked down the stairs and put on our black converse and a jacket. "You ready?" She asked. I nodded my head as smiled. "Bye mom!" I called to kitchen. "Bye Jackson, bye Ramona." I heard my mom call.

We walked down the street, but she looked a little depressed. I stopped walking. "Hey, everything ok?" She pulled up her sleeves. "Ramona, why? Who's doing this to you?" She rolled her sleeves down and mumbled, "you."

My heart felt like it sank all the way down to my toes.

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