~Chapter 17~

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Ramona's POV

After the movie was over, we decided to get something to eat. We went downstairs, hand in hand, until we reached the bottom. Our mom's both looked at us and smiled. "We're happy to you two smiling again together." My Mom said to us. "We just came for food." We laughed. I grabbed some vanilla wafers and frosting, and Jackson got some water bottles for the both of us.

When we got back upstairs, I sat on my bed and texted Lola, telling her I was okay and stuff since my mom and DJ didn't let me go to school just yet.

Jackson came and sat by me. "I never been so happy in my life. I have the boy of my dreams, an awesome family and such great friends. When my parents split up, I promised myself that I would never be happy again or even fall in love. But then came you. You made my life so much better and I love you so much." I said to him. I hugged him tightly. I never wanted to let go. He is my one and only. He is my heaven.

Authors note//
Well, that's the end. I'm so sorry I have published since last year, I have been so busy with school and writing my other story, (which I'm not writing anymore because of various reasons), but I'm writing another story with a friend of mine, which will be published in two different stories. (Same story, different points of view and stuff.) so yeah, that'll be out shortly, and I hope you'll enjoy it and HOPEFULLY you guys liked this one and don't hate me for it😁 BYE!!!!!!!

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Instagram: riley.parrott
Snapchat: smiley_riley167

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