~chapter 13~

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Jackson's POV

Ramona pulled away and ran to Tommy's room. I hear crying and I know for sure, it's not the baby. I open the door and see Ramona... With a... Knife going across her wrist. "Goodbye pain, goodbye world, goodbye everyone." She mumbled to herself repeatedly. "Ramona," I said. "JACKSON NO! GET OUT!" She screamed at me. "Ramona, you don't have to do this."

"Jackson stop! I don't want this pain anymore! I-I-" she stopped and just cried her eyes out. "You what?" "I DON'T WANT TO LIVE ANYMORE! I DON'T WANT TO BE ALIVE!" She screamed. I grab the knife from her hands. "JACKSON STOP! PLEASE," she cried at me feet. "PLEASE JUST LET ME DIE!" She cried even more.

Those were the words that broke my heart into a billion pieces. "No, Ramona, I am NOT GOING TO LET YOU DIE! YOU ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THIS UNIVERSE TO ME AND I AM NOT GOING TO LET YOU SUFFER! If you ever need anything or anyone to talk to, you have SO many people who love you." I said.

I sat down next to her and she leaned her head on my shoulder and cried a river. My sleeve was soaking wet, but I don't care as long as Ramona has a shoulder to cry on. Literally. I was so tired so I stand up, help Ramona up, and we walk back to our room. She climbed up her bed and I layed on my bed. Soon I drifted to sleep.

Ramon's POV

After Jackson fell asleep, I went to DJ's bathroom and got a bottle of pills. For some reason, I feel like I had to do this. I start open the cap, until I hear someone coming. I quickly hop into the shower and pull the curtains closed. I realized I still had the bottle of pills in my hand. I quickly and quietly close the cap and place them onto the bathroom sink.

DJ walks in, mumbling to herself about either choosing Matt or Steve. I honestly choose Matt; Steve had his chance, but he blew it. When I hear the door close, I sneak out of the shower and open the bottle again. I take 2 pills and swallow them with water. I close the cap and put them back in the cupboard.

"Oh my God, I just did that."

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