~chapter 10~

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Ramona's POV

When I told Jackson that we had to talk, his cheeks turned pink and had a worried look on his face. "Look Jackson, I love you, a lot. But, I-I don't know but something doesn't feel right between us." "So what are you saying?" "I'm not saying we have to break up, it's just that, we both cut, which isn't good for either of us. Let's make a deal; you stop cutting, then I'll stop cutting." "I don't cut that often; only when I need to." "Not helping, Jackson." "Fine, deal. Hug it out?"

He held his arms out. I walked over to him and hugged him, and he hugged me back. "Now this feels right." I said. "Well, it's 4:45am and neither of us are tired... What should we do?" "Netflix?" "Yeah sure. What movie.?" "The Little Rascals! I loved that movie since I was 3." The little rascals is a really good and funny movie. My favorite character is Alfalfa. He has one strand of hair that sticks up at the top of his head that later helps him out a lot.

We go onto my bunk and I setup my phone onto Netflix and turn on the movie. Jackson crawls up the later and puts his arm around me. I look at him, then smile, and he looks at me, then smiles back. He kissed my forehead; I blush. We turned on the movie.

A little while later was my favorite part. "Quick! What's the number for 911?" Stymie asked. "How should I know?!" Spanky relied. I laughed so hard and Jackson slowly joined in.

About an hour and a half later, the movie was over and Jackson was sound asleep. I put my phone on the charger, and cuddle up into Jackson's arms. I slowly drift to sleep.

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