Part 23

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D.O. is busy cleaning his room that he shares with Kai and Chanyeol after the two head out somewhere. The room is pretty dusty and filthy because he had no time to clean it because of his busy group and individual schedules.

The curtains are opened for air ventilation. First, he folds the blanket on each bed. Dust are flying everywhere when he shakes off the untidy blanket. He even sneezes a few times but still continue cleaning.



Sehun finally awakes after the sunlight hits his eyes between the curtains. He covers the sunlight and stares at the clock on the wall. 12.00 o'clock. He wakes up late today because he went back home late last night.


He sits on the corner of his bed after yawning. He even stretches his sore body from left to the right and it lasts for about 5 minutes.

A towel from a chair becomes his reach and put it on his messy hair. He walks to a big mirror inside the room and looks at himself.


He bluffed. Next, he knocks on the bathroom door and Suho who is showering replies.

"Wait. Give me a minute."

"Hurry hyung. I'm about to pee my pants."

"I'll be out soon. Just hold it in."

Sehun knows the elder well. A minute is an hour for him. He can't hold his bladder any longer and goes to another room.

D.O. shocks to see the maknae ambushing his room.

"Can I use your bathroom?"

Sehun already enter the bathroom even before D.O. answers him.


D.O. continues his cleaning by arranging some of the clean clothes at the cupboard. Neatly he places them at the right place.

A few minutes later, Sehun walks out from the bathroom with only a towel wrappinh his tall and slender figure. He carries his dirty clothes in his hand. D.O. who is a few meters away from Sehun, gulps at his own sight. He quickly turns away after his eyes caught with Sehun's.

"Thanks for letting me use the bathroom, hyung."

Sehun thanks D.O. and walks to the door.


A scream breaks the silence in the house. Sehun is unlucky as he slips on the floor. D.O. stops his doing and takes his eyes on Sehun.

"Are you okay?"

"I guess I am."

Sehun tries to get up but.....

"Ouch! My back. I think I broke my back."

The towel on Sehun's body drop when he attempts to get up. D.O. runs towards the maknae and gulps a few times. It is his first time seeing naked Sehun and his eyes is clouded with lust. He tries to get rid that feeling and focuses back o Sehun. His body starts to sweat but his hands is trying to help the younger to get up.

He wraps Sehun's arm around his neck and together they get up. He then helps the younger to lay down on his bed which he's already clean up before.

Wet plus naked Sehun is now on D.O.'s clean bed. He does not mind it because it's Sehun who wet his bed. (A/N: Sounds strange here.)

Next, the elder left the naked guy on his bed and get his clothes from Sehun and Suho's room. He comes back after a while and helps to dress the maknae. His skin keeps touching with Sehun's when he attempts to put the clothes on him.

After done putting the maknae in his clothes, Sehun suddenly grabs the elder's hand. D.O.'s heart without warning start beating fast than ever.

"Thank you."

D.O. guesses that he expect too much from Sehun. He ashamed to have a love feelings towards the maknae.

"Sure. No problem. Brothers help one another."

D.O. tries to get up from his bed and let the maknae rest but once again Sehun stops him. The elder sends him a sharp gaze.


"Where are you going?"

"Outside of course."

Sehun out of sudden pulls D.O. into his embrace and whispers something into his ears. The elder feels slightly confuse but cherishes the moment. In soft but clear deep husky voice he says,

"Don't go. Don't leave me here alone."

D.O. freezes in Sehun's arm. He doesn't understand the current situation which involves him and the maknae.

'Am I dreaming?'


Chanyeol and his boyfriend walks together hand in hand to SM's Clubhouse. They are getting bolder day by day revealing their relationship in the public. However, no one makes an issue about it neither the reporters nor the fans.

Everyone just thought that Chanyeol's being nice towards Lay because he's the only Chinese member left in the group and SM asked him to look after the older boy. Well, good for them. What if BaekUmin announces their relationship? What will people thought about them? Will they be criticizes or will people accepts it?

Back to ChanXing couple. They are going to have a swim inside SM's clubhouse. After arriving at the clubhouse, they walk to the changing room and put themselves in tight swim shorts. Both of them stretches before diving into the pool. Chanyeol jumps with a scream.


Lay follows him after that. The younger begin to tease the elder after he dives in. He splashes the water at Lay, making him hard to open his eyes and moves.

"Stop it."

"Why? I just start."

Lay tries to walk through the water and get closer to his boyfriend. His hands becomes his shield along the way.

"I said stop, Chanyeol-ah."

Chanyeol is showing no sign to stop and that makes Lay annoyed. Then, the elder ambushes the naughty boy and hit him once or maybe twice. That is not making Chanyeol scared actually.

Suddenly, Chanyeol opens his arms and pulls the elder towards him. Lay does not realise until he's already trap inside Chanyeol's embrace. They are now hugging in the pool and their face are an inch different. They just stares at one another for a few seconds until Chanyeol sticks his lips with Lay's.

Since only the two of them are there, their kiss becomes passionate inside the pool. It is the first time they are kissing outside their house or room. However, they are not aware if someone might spots them plus there is a lot of CCTV there.

Suddenly, they hear some footsteps. Lay quickly pushes Chanyeol off from his body and acts natural by pretending to swim. The younger also does the same until someone walks in.

"Annyeong sunbaes. I didn't know that anyone was here. Can I join you two?"

Chanyeol and Lay are staring at each other.

Sorry for the late update and thank you for your patience. BTW, I realise that this fanfics already reach 1K+. Thanks for reading. 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃

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