3 - DAD

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"What?" He said, the lizard features disappearing.

"Oh my, HISSSSSSSSS." I screeched, I can't believe it's really Dad.

He took off his hood and his babyish features stared at me in confusion. I stood in shock as he drank up some positive vibes.

"You look even more like a pinecone in real life!" I shouted excitedly. Holy damn, I can't believe it's actually Leafy.

He looked at me with caution in his eyes as he drank those positive vibes. "I'm not a pinecone."

I stared disapprovingly at him, "You're a pinecone and everyone knows it."

"It's true," he sighed.

"So how did you end up here, in Moonbucks?" My head tilted to the side as I asked, because I was so kawaii. It didn't matter that my square glasses fell and smashed - they weren't prescription anyway.

I kicked the glasses under a table before he could notice.

Leafy tapped at the keyboard a lot, whatever he was doing was quite intense. Slowly, I edged down into the seat opposite him.

He looked perturbed as I stared at him blatantly.

"Hey Dad, do you wanna switch numbers?"

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