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For once I wasn't wearing the dreaded green apron, for once I wasn't in Moonbucks.

I held onto the chains of the swing as my legs thrust back and forth. However hard I tried though, I could never get any higher than two feet off of the ground.

My eyes were closed as I swung. I am so emo. (mcr is dead, frnkiero is gr8 live tho)

Leafy had been gone for a while, it's not like I would know where he was though. He probably wouldn't be able to find me either.

I'd taken temporary leave from Moonbucks, or 'maternity leave', whatever that means. I just ticked it and BOOM!!!!! Three months off of work.

I still had my eyes closed when I heard a heavy breathing behind me. There was a douchey looking guy standing there, breathing with his mouth open and staring at me unblinkingly. The fedora on his head was tilted at an angle and he looked like a tryhard brony.

"How to dubstep." Was the only thing he said.

Due to me being distracted, I had forgotten to swing my legs. The swing had slowly come to a halt and he took that as an invitation to step closer.

Hunching in on my shoulders, I shied away from the stranger. If only I had a shell like a tortoise. [no tortoise POV sadly]

He kept trying to talk to me and start a conversation but I just looked at him confusedly.

Suddenly, he seemed awestruck by something in the distance. His attention moved from me, to a group of children singing. Ugh.

As he left, I began to swing again. A quiet "fucking degenerate," was heard from his shrinking form, but I payed it no mind.


Time passed as I ventured around the play park, nothing was safe from my grasp.

I sped down the slide, slut dropped down the stripper pole and acted like a cowboy on the odd motorcycle, which had a spring coming out of the bottom that helped it rock back and forth.

After sitting in a tiny cubbyhole/house-ish thing for a while, I decided I'd had enough fun at the park (jk lmao you can never have enough fun).

As I pushed open the red gate, accidentally knocking over some Clorox, I realised I could hear cheering from the children's location. My curiosity led me to the site.

The fedora-wearing cancer was 'dancing'. Hn.

I'd show him dancing.



Omfg guys were almost at 2k wtffffff !!?!1!

Honestly you guys are such ledges, I'll have to take you all to 'spoons for a pint and maybe a cheeky nandos. I'm also gonna start adding songs to chapters lmao.

Song: medicine - joji miller

Sorry for being lousy at updating, the comments are hilarious though, keep 'em up (:


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