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Pyro turned and looked at me in shock. He dropped the kettle, who I now realised was Martin, and stood with his mouth agape.

Leafy scrutinised the situation, his eyes shifting between us.

I mean, why wouldn't he be suspicious, he was probably wondering why I was so mysterious and why I had so many connections.

Networking Calvin, networking.

"How did you end up working here without me realising?" Asked pyro.

"What do you mean?" Was my reply.

"I own Moonbucks."

'Oh.' I thought. 'Yike.'

There was a pregnant pause as nobody really knew how to respond to Pyro's statement. I looked at Leafy, he looked at me. Leafy looked at Pyro, Pyro stared back.

A flame ignited as I stared at Pyro with Cooking Mama's flame eyes.

Martin let out a high shrill as the staring intensified.

Out of nowhere, the tension was broken as Marco entered the room with a chill "Oh shit waddup?"

Leafy snorted and started laughing in some creepy way. Now the attention had been diverted to him. That cancerous clickbait whore.

Marco seemed a little freaked and began slowly moving back towards the door. Like Mrs. incredible, my hand stretched from behind the counter all the way to the door and dragged that ass back inside.

If I'm going down, I'm taking Marco with me.

I pulled him close and whispered heavily into his ear "Alles klar mein kinder, just stay right here."

Marco discreetly snorted something (I think it was icing sugar?), before giving me a dazed smile. Leafy, Pyro and the kettle looked disturbed.

"So... Ugh," Pyro began to say to me. "How'd you end up working here?"

However before I could answer Marco interrupted and said "your voice is realllly soothing and nice to listen to."

Pyro was quiet for a few seconds...

"That's pretty gay, m8."

Martin wheezed out another laugh before Leafy got so annoyed by the sound he grabbed the kettle and threw him at the window, smashing it in the process.

"I've had enough of that fucking cancerous laugh."

Pyro looked outraged for a while but settled himself with a quiet "Cyka Blyat."

Not wanting to answer Pyro's question I turned around to the Easybake oven and began fiddling with the controls. In the back of my mind, I knew that Niall was still trying to grab my attention, but I was too distracted by a notification on my phone.

Katie Triggers Me has uploaded a new video: Poem For Pyro

This Bitch better be ready, because she won't know what hit her.


Ew, writer's block sucks. Sorry m80s I was supposed to upload this morning, yikes.

Soz it's just a filler but hope ur all having a SMashinNG DAYY

Edit: holy shitt I uploaded and forgot to title the chapter -_- rip in peace guys

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