10 - 1v1 ME AT DDR

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I couldn't bring myself to move as I stared in shock horror at the two on the ground. The sight left me speechless and my hand raised to cover my gobsmacked expression.

Before I could forget this moment, I quickly opened my Grumblr and started a Grumble.



Grumblr numbr 28 [kolvan & morca ]

dear loyal frenz

so a few dayz ago kelvin came to mi coffe shop

yez, the kermit, ya kno lefy!!!
rec-op over

I Hav cn him agen and he had sex on da rode w/ mi drugi fren morci

thy wer on da syde of da rode mekkin out & leafy 8 the weed bogey




My Grumblr completely blew up with two notifications. Everyone was interested about what Leafy and Marco were doing. I took a snap shot of them quickly and analysed the scene.

Marco didn't seem to have realised he had fallen over (the weed got to him). While Leafy's mouth was still open, with the weed still in there. It had indentations in it here and there - Calvin must've had a curious chew of the snot weed.

However, while calvin's mouth was still open, so was Marco's. Marco's saliva glands seemed to be out of control and his dribble was hanging dangerously close to Leafy's eyes.

Sighing, I kicked Marco in the side and he fell off of leafy. Leafy's expression didn't change though.

I offered Leafy a hand and he stood up, dusting himself off. However as soon as Leafy went to talk, he was interrupted by, "I want a rematch!"

I swivelled on my heels and there he was, the fedora wearing degenerate from the park.

My brows furrowed until I remembered; the dance off.


I'd show him dancing.

I walked straight up to the fedora wearing scrub and tapped his shoulder. He swivelled around to face me, a smirk adorned his ass-looking face.

"1v1 me at DDR." I said, getting right to the point.

He scoffed, "ya, sure. But don't be so confident in winning, fucking degenerate."

"I wouldn't speak so soon." Was my response.

The lights dimmed and the atmosphere intensified. Music with a heavy bass and strong drum beat echoed throughout the park - it was those kids that were singing before, doing an acapella version of the song; Max 300.

My feet moved at a pace too fast for the human eye to see, while the fedora wearing scrub lagged behind. While I was getting flashes of 'marry me' and 'marvellous', he was getting a few 'okay's and a lot of 'miss'.

His feet couldn't keep up as the arrows kept flying. A stray arrow dived and knocked him in the face. He fell flat on his behind before getting up again and lamely trying to keep up. The combo I had just kept increasing.

The sounds of the kid's singing intensified as we came nearer to the end of the song, however it was clear who the victor was.

Ass-looking fedora man had been defeated. All of the kid emerged from the trees that surrounded the clearing we'd been in and raised me over their heads.

I'd won.

-/-/-/-Flashback over-/-/-/-

I looked him over, "nah son."

His face turned purple with rage and he stomped off, looking like a pissed teletubby. Leafy blinked at me before asking "who was that?"

"I don't know." I replied, trying to be mysterious.

"Well he obviously knew you," said Leafy.

"Nobody knows me," I say, slowly sinking into the dark depths of the alleyway next to Moonbucks.


When I drink bleach, bury me in kinder buenos, they're some good shit

The video makes me crease up omfg, that's the DDR song.

Coffee Shop // leafyishere fanficWhere stories live. Discover now