Part 2

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Would you Rather

Be a ninja


Be a wizard

HairyHarry: ew lol wtf is this

ItsMeLucy: HairyHarry can you just shut up already? you're annoying

HairyHarry: ItsMeLucy no, I do whatever I want. I can say whatever I want to say. So shut up yourself, babe

ItsMeLucy: HairyHarry don't babe me jerk, I have a boyfriend

HairyHarry: ItsMeLucy and I have a goldfish

ItsMeLucy: HairyHarry what

HairyHarry: ItsMeLucy i thought we were talking about things that didn't matter

ItsMeLucy: HairyHarry shut up

WOULD YOU RATHER - harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now