Part 20

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I smiled at my phone after I replied to Lucy. The Lucy I'm talking to is the Lucy who's Zayn's girlfriend.

But how do I know?

I saw her comment where she said she lives London, just like me. I also saw she said her boyfriend's name was Zayn. It was pretty obvious.

I put on my coat and walked out of my house. Lucy's party is almost starting and I can't be late. Or can I?

My phone buzzed when I arrived at Lucy's party. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it. 'ItsMeLucy responded to your comment!'

I smiled at myself and put my phone back into my pocket. I walked up to her front door and knock. Zayn opened the door.

"Hi mate!" He hugged me and let me in. I walked towards Niall and Louis who were standing in the hallway.

"Hi guys," I said when I stood in front of them. I look around, trying to spot Liam, Alana or Elice. I couldn't find one of them. They'll be here soon.

It took 10 minutes before I noticed Liam and Alana. They walked towards our group. "Hey guys! Have you seen Elice? I can't find her! It's been 20 minutes and we've never found her," Alana said.

"I haven't seen her," Niall said, "I'm searching for her as well. Haven't said hi to my girlfriend yet."

"She's on the dancefloor, maybe," Zayn said. He looked around. I followed him. "Or she's in the little group who are looking at something really interesting," I said while pointing at the group.

"We'll see. Who's joining me?" Niall asked. I nodded at him. "I do. Come on." We both walked towards the little group of people. They were shouting. I pushed myself a way through the people and notice a girl on top of another girl, beating the shit out of her.

"Elice!" Niall shouted besides me. He walked towards her so I followed him. He swung an arm around her and looked at the girls. "What's happening?"

She shrugged. "I have no idea. Some girl is beating up another girl."

My eyes widen when I notice the girl on top of the other girl. It's Lucy who's punching the other girl's face.

"Lucy!" I screamed. She didn't stop. Of course she didn't, she doesn't hear me.

I walked to the two girls and grabbed Lucy's fists so she can't punch the other girl again. She turned her head towards me, looking at me madly.

"Let go of me!" she screamed. I shook my head. "Come on, let her go. She's beaten up enough."

"She called me a whore!"

"Because you are one!" The girl shouted. Lucy turned around her head again. She tried to get out of my grip but of course she couldn't."

"Stop Lucy. She's wrong and you're not. Just let her be the shithead she is." I dragged her out of the room towards her backyard to cool her down.

She sat down on a wooden bench and I followed her. The music was less loud when you're outside.

"Why did you stop me?" Lucy asked after she cooled down. I turned my head towards her and smiled.

"Because I am HairyHarry," I said with a small grin.

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