Part 39

540 19 5

Would you Rather

have a cloud following you everytime you go out, so it always rains when you're outside


have a sun following you so you'll always be warm, but, so warm that you're always sweaty and can't cool down much

HairyHarry: this is a tough one wth both is kinda shitty

ItsMeLucy: the rain because i kinda hate the sun. I'm pale, and I get freaking red in the summer

ItsMeLucy: so just give me rain that's fine by me

HairyHarry: eh give me the sun then because i hate rain

ItsMeLucy: HairyHarry u are stupid

HairyHarry: ItsMeLucy i know, thanks

ItsMeLucy: HairyHarry i love you though

HairyHarry: ItsMeLucy i love you too cutiepie

ItsMeLucy: HairyHarry gross

HairyHarry: ItsMeLucy ;)

WOULD YOU RATHER - harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now