My Dream 4/3/16

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So, this isn't a story chapter, but I figured I oughta share my dream that I had. When I was finishing up my other Snape fic, I had a dream about Alan Rickman. And it's like crazy, because I had another dream about Alan, and I'm  again in the process of finishing up a story with him. This is also the second time I've had a dream about him since he died. The other one happened a few nights after that horrible day. I feel like it's him trying to tell me something, but any ways.
So the dream:
I'm at like a dinner where all the Harry Potter cast are at, and for some unknown  reason I was invited., and for most of the dinner, I know Alan's there, but I'm so intimidated and nervous to talk to him, even though I'm freaking out. And I guess me and Daniel Radcliffe are like good friends, so the dinner's ending, and I excuse myself to go out into the hall of the restaurant to get myself together, and also scold myself for not speaking to Alan. So Dan comes out, and he's like "Hannah. I can tell you want to talk to Alan, so I'm going to get him to talk to you first." I like freak out, and I'm like "No, don't." But he just smirks and goes back into the dining hall of the restaurant, and seconds later I follow, and I sit down in my seat, but turn away from facing anyone because I'm embarrassed of what Dan will do. People are chatting and just laughing so I don't hear Alan sit down in the empty chair next to me, until I hear his beautiful voice by my ear: "Hello, Miss Hannah."
Dream me literally almost dies, like it felt so real. I glanced at him and he was just smirking at me attractively, and like the whole rest of the night we talk and flirt good heartedly. Then everyone decides to go shopping, so we all go to where I work, Forever 21. (That's so strange, I know! 😂) and my managers close off the store, so the cast and I are the only ones in the store, and at one point we're all in the fitting room, and we're all messing around, and pretending to perform down the long hall of fitting rooms (except for Alan, of course.) The last part of the dream I remember is this: I had just finished up "performing" my song in the fitting room, and Alan approaches me, grabs my hand and pulls me into the handicapped fitting room because it's bigger. He kisses my cheek, and says "I admire you." Nothing really extreme has happened this whole dream, almost like my subconscious respects Rima too much to let it. Anyways after Alan says that, I start to tear up and I hug him. And he hugs me back so gently, and I say, "I wish you could've stayed."
We pull apart, and he's about to say something, but then I wake up.
That dream felt so real, like I could feel his hands on me, and his voice in my ear. And it just makes me want to cry more because I still miss him. I don't think I'll ever stop. And I will believe this to my grave, these dreams mean something, like a message from Alan.

Probably the worst part of this whole thing is that I know it didn't happen, and that it will never happen. Oh, I also have to go to work now, too. After such an amazing dream.
Alright, well, I have to go! Epilogue of this story will be published sometime this week!
-Hannah x

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