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"We need to get out of this shit hole," Michael stated, my wrist sitting prettily in his hand. "Not for me, not for you, but for us. Imagine how perfect it could be," I looked down at my feet, feeling anxious and shaky. "Freya, isn't this what you want? To spend forever with me? Because, I know I sure as hell want to spend forever with you."

I stared into Michael's eyes, my jaw was slightly ajar, his eyes were sparkling and the most beautiful shade of green I had ever seen. "Mikey, I just don't know if it's good for us right now-"

"What do you mean?" He let go of my wrist and locked his fingers with mine, stroking my cheek. "This place is holding us back, can't you see us one day in our own place? Even if it is just a shitty one bedroom apartment. We could have a puppy, or a kitten. Or both, if that's what you wanted." He gently caressed my cheek, and looked at the dull colours of my room, the blue almost looked grey. It was sad, depressing, even.

But somehow, Michael was still smiling. "Why are you smiling?" I inched closer to him, tracing small circles on his chest with my free hand.

"Because I want you," He kissed my forehead, "I want us. I want us to eat ice cream, watch crappy television, walk our really fucking cute puppy, and I want us to be happy," Michael's smile fell, "But we can't be happy here, I've seen how sad you are. You've seen how sad I am, do you think that's okay?" Michael whispered into my hair, as everyone waved me goodbye, but only Calum remained in my room. He had his headphones in, sipping tea and reading a book. I shook my head and kissed his nose, "So we need to get out of here, baby. It's been too long," Michael sighed. "Do you know when the last time I went to a beach was?" I shook my head, remaining silent. The tall boy shrugged and pulled me in closer, "When I was 14, I haven't touched sand since I was 14. That's 4 years," He rest his head on top of mine, sighing and gently swaying me. "I just want us to leave this place..this awful place, and be happy. That's my dream,"

"Why's that your dream? We'll be let out soon, Mikey. I promise," I looked at him, my eyes become glazed over with tears.

"It's my dream, because you're my future, Freya. You are my future, Calum, Ashton, Charlotte and even Luke are in my future," Michael smiled, he let me go, walking over to my bed. I felt the warmth leave me, as he undid his grasp. "All of those people are in my future, and it's all down to you. I want to have a baby with you," I made a cup of tea and smiled at Cal, who was sat engrossed in The Perks of Being A Wallflower. "Imagine how cute our kid would be, babe," I was imagining, I had imagined it since he first kissed me, standard 17 year old girl crushing on an older boy.

"You're in my future too, but don't you think once we're better, our future can really begin?" I handed a cup of hot chocolate over to Michael, he was pale, but the depressing colours of the room washed him out further. "I don't want my child to grow up and see my demons, or even have to deal with me if my demons get too much for me." Michael stared at me, longingly, lovingly and most importantly, understandingly. He nodded, "I want you to be better, just as much as I want a future with you. But I think our demons need to be gone before our lives can really begin, Mikey. I love you," I stated, "And I have done since the first time you ever stared into my window."

"Okay, try not to make me sound like much more of a creep." Michael laughed, he sipped his hot chocolate and smiled at me, his laugh was angelic. "But about demons..I agree, but baby, our future won't really start until we leave this place. That could be months, years even. We've been here for years, and the brightest colour I've ever seen in this place, is the colour of your eyes."

I couldn't control myself, I flung my arms over his neck and pulled him in closer to me. I smashed my lips onto his, and lost all control. The kiss was filled with such passion, raw emotion and love. Michael kissed back, pushing me into my bed, caressing my cheeks, and moaning into the kiss. "G-god, I love you."

"I love you too," We separated from our kids, Michael was panting harder as he laid next to me, shoving an earphone into his ear and one in mine, he played a few All Time Low songs on his phone, Missing You specifically, he was telling me how the song reminds him of me. He said to me he always wanted me to know that he'll always be there for me, and I'll always be there for him.

"This is our song, okay?" Michael replayed the song, as I nodded. He kissed my forehead, "It's a reminder, it's telling you everything will be okay, even when you're feeling your worst, everything will be okay. I promise," Michael kissed my forehead continuously, I anxiously watched Calum who was sat preparing to leave.

"I'll come and see you again, yeah Frey? Maybe next week?" I nodded, I stood up and hugged him. "It was amazing seeing you again, and it was nice to meet you, Michael." He nodded to Michael who was sat on my bed, tapping his hands on his thighs to the beat of the music. I hugged Calum again, and kissed his cheek, before he left the room. "I'll text you, Freya. You kids stay out of trouble," He joked, "I love you."

"Love you too, Cal."

"D-did I just confess my love for you whilst your best friend was in the room?" I giggled into Michael's chest and nodded. "We nearly had sex."

"Mikey!" I playfully slapped his chest and smirked.

"But I wasn't lying earlier, I do want to have sex with you. And I do see you in my future, you are my future."

"You're my future."

"We are the future, baby."


"Yes what?" Michael laughed, his grip around my shoulder tightened. "Baby?"

"I'll run away with you."

- - - - -
dedicated to manicpanicmuke 💃🏻

So, it's literally been a year since I updated lmao lmao sorry

And this chapter is short and shitty, but it's way better than noting !!

I love you all x


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2016 ⏰

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