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This chapter was rushee, so I could upload it quicker, so I wouldn't let my readers down again. So , please leave feedback and I'll try and answer all the comments on this chapter:)

Sorry if this part makes no sense,



"Come in," I sighed in response to the knock at the door.

"It's visiting day, again," My nurse glanced to me, I rolled my eyes as she sat at the foot of my bed. "And there are 3 people here for you," My eyes shot up to the blonde girl smiling to me. "Your mum, dad, and your best friend, Calum." I threw on a burgundy hooded jumper, to match my My Chemical Romance top and denim skinny jeans, "When you're ready make it down to the visting room, Freya," I nodded in response.

The nurse left my room, smiling at me. Whereas I felt the opposite, I wanted to scream and shout, and my stoamch was doing flips and butterflies were travelling around my body. I hadn't seen mum and dad for years, and I hadn't seen Calum since the accident, not even a text or a call, or a message on Facebook. Nothing.

I threw my hair up and just wished my hallucination of Luke would turn up to take my mind off things, then I remembered, I'm only here because my hallucination is Luke. I can see him, hear him and talk to him, like he's real

I stumbled out of my pokey little room and to the visiting area, seeing every other kid in there, but Michael, Ashton and Charlotte. I felt sick as I walke cautiously down the corridor, my stomach was tied in knots and I coulnd't get my head around as to why my family and best friend suddenly wanted to see me. I eneted the room, it was warm in there, or toasty I couldn't quite put my finger on it. My eyes darted to all of the different tables, there were children giving and recieving hugs and gifts from their parents, there were smiles and tears from patients and even a few nurses telling some patients they could go home because they're well enough. I know that won't be me, for a long time. 

"Freya?" I heard a voice, it was smooth as I turned around, there was a boy of about 6'0 or maybe taller and his hair dark and shiny.

"Ca-Calum?" I choked on my own words, before he grabbed me and hugged me. "God, I've missed you so much," I mentioned as his grip tightened. 

"I've missed you too, I just hope you're getting better," I shrugged as his grip loosened from the hug. "I'm sure you're coping really well," He pulled up the sleeve of my jumper and looked, his eyes widened. "How many months clean?"

"About 2 or 3," I smiled.

"That's amazing! I'm sure Luke would hbe so proud," Calum cheered, before he looked at me dead in the eye. His brown eyes flickering from left to right, "Sorr-"

"No, it's cool," I giggled, as I nudged his shoulder. "Where are mum and dad?" Calum walked me to the table, as I saw my mum's big curls in the far corner of the room. My stomach was feeling even worse, empty, and my heart was about to beat out of my chest, it's been 2 years. That's 2 years of pain, and misery, hurt and tears, and no one there to support me. 2 years of my life I will never get back.

"Oh, freya!" My dad teared up as he hugged me tight, Ip ut my hands on his back and grabbed his t - shirt pulling him in closer, "I've missed you," That's what they all say. "How have you been? It's been a long time."

"Coping, I guess," I shrugged again as I sat next to Calum, oine of the nurses brought over four cups of tea and set them out before us. "And you're right, it has been a long time," I sighed, placing my fist under my chin, "2 years." I groaned.

Mum tutted, "You're doing it again," She grumbled. My eyes widened and then I squinted at her, "You're holding a stupid grudge, Freya - May Hemmings."

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