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Hi beautifuls!

This isn't the best chapter ever, as it's just a filler. In the next chapter there will be a lot more Michael and Freya, and we'll also meet a few other characters.

Also, thank you for over 700 reads! I know this isn't the best fanfic ever, and I'm not the best writer but I'm so grateful!

I love you😘

"Morning Frey," Ashton smiled as he are some of his toast, "How was your sleep? Charlotte should be here in a minute."

"Morning Ash, it wasn't too bad really. Luke didn't visit me though." I realised how crazy I sounded before apologising, "Sorry."

"Stop saying you're sorry, we are all in here for a reason." Ashton reassured, "Surely Luke will visit you soon, maybe it's because you finally stepped outside, he's proud of you." He reassured me by showing off his teeth, "He knows you're going to be fine without him." Ashton finished off his toast before sipping some of his tea. "I do too, you're going to be just fine." I smiled at Ashton, as I felt a sharp breeze on my arm and the sound of shuffling feet.

I shot my head up to see a boy with a head of blond hair with a strip of black running down the middle, Michael. His gaze met mine, his green eyes connecting with my pale blue eyes, making me feel scared. As soon as Michael smirked at me, he shuffled away to a table at the back on the room, with his bowl and his medication.

"What's his problem," I ask, raising my eyebrow, as Ashton shrugged.

"I don't know, all I know is that he doesn't speak. He's been here for almost two years and hasn't said a word to me, or Charlotte, or anyone for that matter." Ashton gazed at him, giving his attention back to me. "Now, I don't know why he doesn't speak, or what's going on in that head of his, but if I could find out I'd love to know." Ashton laughed, making me smile. "You don't like him, do you?" He asked, I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't, I can't - it's hard to explain."

"I have the time, to listen of course."

"Well, he's the only patient in this place - but you and Charlotte of course who doesn't laugh at me or point, when I speak to the imaginary person at 4 on the dot every day. He didn't do anything, he just stood at me window sometimes and watched me cry, them walked away as I saw him," I sipped my juice and swallowed my anti - depressants along with it. Ashton licked his bottom lip and looked at me, gesturing me to explain more. "I guess, I don't know, he's just always there and I don't know why he does this." I laughed, for the first time in a while.

"He's a weird kid, and confusing too. I don't know what to suggest, soon the nurses are taking us out - on one of the trips the organise every few months for the patients who make progress, you should come." Ashton suggested, "Michael always goes, maybe you could speak to him. That's if he speaks back," Ash joked, peering back at Michael who was sat by himself. "Maybe you should go and talk to him."

"I have trouble even talking to you and Charlotte, and you're my best friends in here. I can't go and speak to the boy who's been practically spying on me for almost two years," I giggled as sipped the remainder of the water I had in my cup, "It's not napping Irwin."

"Well Hemmings, it needs to. That's the only way you're going to get to know the guy," Ash gazed at Charlotte as she sat down beside him, the way he looked at her was like something out of a film, he was mesmerised by her beauty and her being.

"What needs to happen?" Charlotte asked, inquisitively.

"Ash was just giving me boy advice, that's all." Ashton nodded his head as he interlocked his fingers with hers.

"Oh, about that boy with the hair?" She asked, I nodded.

"How did you know?" I laughed.

"It isn't rocket science, I saw him stare at you yesterday and you look back at him. I may be mesmerised by Ash, but I do notice things too." Charlotte added, "It's a weird one, because he doesn't talk. Throw a ball at his head with a note attached." The three of us erupted into laughter.

"That sounds like something Luke would say!" I laughed, my eyes widened, Ashton and Charlotte smiling at me. "You must think I'm crazy."

"We would be even crazier if we didn't, we're in a mental institute, we are all about as crazy as it gets." Ashton laughed, I peered behind his head again to see the Michael stare at me - still.

My eyes met with his, his eyes were oozing with emotion - with many stories behind them, his eyes were a light green today, as the light bounced off them sucking me in. A smirk appeared on his lips, one I've never seen before. I snapped my head back to the couple in front of me, who had been trying to speak to me, for what seems like a while.

"Do you know what, I'm feeling a bit light headed. I'm going to lie down." I say, pushing my chair back with my feet and jumping from my position. "See you at dinner." I walked away, to the couple looking at each other with furrowed brows.


I threw myself on my bed, the white linen sheets making me feel sick, the walls making me feel trapped. "Morning sunshine." I heads a familiar voice, I snapped my head to the right and smiled. "How are you?"

"Coping." I sighed, pushing tying my hair into a bun. "Why didn't you come and visit me yesterday?"

"I did," Luke said, sitting down beside me. "You just weren't here, having too much fun without me." He joked, he was chewing a piece of gum. "I missed you, I promise to be here at 4 p.m sharp everyday, and I'm proud of you for facing your fears, but we had a promise." Luke said, staring into my eyes - he looked somewhat hurt.

"Luke, I'm sor-"

"Don't be sorry you nugget, I'm proud of you." Luke smiled, holding my hands. "So how was it, outside?"

"Well, scary - still is. I met two patients called Charlotte and Ashton, they're great. But-"

"But what?" Luke interfered, "Are the the others still being mean?!" He whisper shouted, I shook my head quickly.

"Michael is being odd, he won't stop staring at me. Ashton told me that the institute organises trips, for those who are making progress, and he told me that Michael goes." I explained, pouring myself a cup of water from the jug on my bedside table, "He said I should go, meaning I could talk and get to know Michael, but the kid doesn't speak." I tried to refrain myself from giggling.

Luke smiled at me, "Well, you need to find out why he doesn't speak." Luke let go of my hand, "I'll come along to this trip with you if you want, where are you going?"

"I saw a leaflet by the recreation room about a visit to the aquarium," I laughed, "A bit childish for my liking."

"Frey, you haven't left this room in almost 2 years. You need to get out, some of these patients aren't as mentally 'up there' as you." Luke reminded me, I nodded and smiled. "I'm coming with you, I want to see this Michael for myself, before my sister decides to date him." I raised my eyebrow, "Yea, I know you like him." I rolled my eyes, "Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow beautiful. Stop harming yourself please? I love you." My brother kissed my head as I nodded, he started to fade away, slowly until he wasn't there.


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