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Thank you so much, a few of you already seem to be enjoying this and it makes me smile! If you listen to the song in the side bar of the first part, it's basicslly what the fanfic's going to be based on!

This also isn't the best second part ever, but at least it's something right? If you're confused so far, all will become clear later on, I promise I'll do my best.

Enjoy it beauts x

I heard the voices in my head again, flooding room with the huskiness on Luke's voice, I looked in every corner, he was perched there on the tatty chair that stood lonely in the corner. "Morning princess," He beamed a smile at me, showing his teeth - which he never used to. "How's my beautiful baby sister this morning?" Luke chirped at me. In shrugged my shoulders, Luke pouted his bottom lip out and hugged me tightly, although I didn't feel a grip on my arms, but when I looked down I saw all of his digits there moving up and down my arm slowly.

"They still laugh at me, and point." I moaned, sighing as I plaited my hair into a messy plait. "They all think I'm crazy, and deluded."

"Why are they mocking you, eh? You're just the same as they are, you're all in this institute for a reason, the same reason." Luke confirmed, sitting on my bed with me.

"They won't believe me that you're here, you're real." Luke shook his head and laughed slightly, he removed his hand from my arm and set it down in his lap, crossing his legs on the crisp white linen sheets.

"I'm not here though, am I?" Luke said, grabbing my hand again. "I'm just a figure of your imagination," I felt the anger and upset rise within me, my eyes widened as the hot and salty tears became apparent in my turqouise eyes. I must have looked crazy to everyone on the outside, speaking to myself in a room with one desk light as I laughed to myself.

I'm crazy.

It only hits you, how messed up you are once you're in here, in a weird place full of other people with the same problems as you. "But you're here, you're sat in front of me talking to me."Luke took my hand in his graps and moved his fingers across my knuckles, kissing them gently, he nodded.

"I'm only real to you, only you can see me." Luke wiped the esacaping tears away from my eyes and shot a half smile at me. "Who cares if mum and dad think you're crazy, who cares if they all think you're crazy. Maybe a few of your buddies are crazier than you," Luke advised, I looked behind him to see the boy with almost white hair, the black stripe making the colours of his eyes stand out - Michael.

I shot him a soft smile, only his eyes were intoxicating me and making me feel drunk. I tucked the remaining few strands of hair behind my ear, and looked at Luke - or the imaginary figure sitting infront of me. As soon as I turned my head, Michael was gone, he vanished.

"Who was that you were looking at?" My brother asked, letting go of my hand.

"Just someone,"

"Who's this someone?" Luke was inquizitive towards me.

"The only kid in this place who isn't rude to me or doesn't make fun of me."

"Maybe he realises you're all the same, you're all in here for one reason or another. He's here to get better too, your mental health is their priority. Maybe he wants to help," Luke mentioned, I shrugged. "Ever spoke to this kid?" I shook my head, "Why's that?"

"I don't like to leave this room, not for food, water, or to socialize." I giggled, taking a sip of water and swallowing my tablets on my bedside table.

"Typical, you were always like this when you lived at home with Grandma. Always on Twitter or something on your laptop listening to Blink - 182." Luke laughed, remembering the old times. "And I'd always mock Mark's singing or Travis' drumming and you'd get angry with me, remember?" I smiled and nodded.

"That's not the case though, not just because I'm anti - social. I have bad anxiety issues and I can't go out there, they will whisper and talk, they'll laugh and mock. I hate our generation, Luke." I groaned, trying to make my point as I sat the cup down on the counter. "You know that, I'm not a normal kid."

"Freya, none of the kids here are normal. No one here is normal, you're all the same kids with different stories, they can't judge you over onepetty thing. Chance are, they're probably more messed up than you." Luke got up from my bed as he pouted, he fixed his hair as he kissed me on the cheek. "I'll be back tomorrow beautiful, okay? Don't hurt yourself or beat yourself up about this."

"Luke, can I ask a question?" I cheekily asked, grabbning hold of his arm before he mysteriously vanished.

"Sure babe,"

"When will you leave me alone? I don't want you to leave," I pouted, taking one final sip of the tasteless water sitting before me.

"How about we make a deal, when you find a guy you truly love, and he loves you back. I'll leave you, yeah?" I shook my head quickly, "Why not?"

"I don't want you to leave."

"We have to leave the one's we love sometimes. It's just how things were meant to be, but do we have a deal?" Luke asked me, kissing my head softly. I sighed exasperatedly and nodded.

"Goodnight Freya, I'll be back tomorrow. 4 O'clock sharp, I promise."

I waved, turning my head to the side, seeing Luke back in the tatty tweed chair again, he slowly vanished as I blinked.


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